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The Lailat al Mi’raj

Al-Isra’ Wal Mi’raj Mubarak to all muslims.

08 Temmuz 2010

After the death of the Holy Prophet's relatives and the cruelties inflicted by the people of Taif, Allah gave the last prophet the blessings of being able to travel to the spiritual worlds. One night, Prophet Muhammad was taken to al-Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem, accompanied by Gabriel. They left from the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca. From the al-Masjid al-Aqsa, Muhammad ascended to the holy place, Sidratu'l-Muntaha. After that, the Prophet was taken to Allah - this was a journey conducted without time or space. With this miracle it was stated that Islam would spread outside Mecca to other countries. During his spiritual journey, the Prophet served as an imam for the other prophets and he stepped out in front of all the prophets and led them in a prayer. The first part of this journey is called the isra and is described in the seventeenth chapter of the Quran, which bears the same name. As for the miraj, this is described in the first verses of the fifty-third chapter, An-Najm (1-18). It is believed that the miraj happened just over a year before the Hijra (emigration), on the 27th of the month of Rajab. The miraj increased the holiness of the Prophet, reinforcing the faith of the believers, and also increased the hostilities of idolaters. When the Prophet reported this incident to the people of Mecca, they found it factitious and did not believe him. To try to prove that the Prophet was not telling the truth they asked about a caravan that was returning from Jerusalem to Mecca; he gave them the correct information about the caravan, which they themselves had no way of knowing until the caravan arrived later that day, yet still they refused to believe. Although the idolaters wanted to embarrass Abu Bakr by reporting this incident in a mocking way, he only said: "If Muhammad said that, then he is telling the truth" and supported the words of the Prophet. It was because of this that Abu Bakr is said to have received his famous title As-Siddiq (The Truthful). That night the prayer was performed five times, the last verses of Surah Al-Baqarah were sent, and it was reported that those who did not associate Allah with others would be forgiven.

O Allah: I beseech You in the name of the Grandest Manifestation at this night in this glorified month and in the name of the honored Messenger, that You send blessings upon Muhammad (s.a.w)  and his Household and that You forgive us that which You know better than we do. O He Who knows while we do not. O Allah: (please do) bless us at this night which You have exalted with the honor of the Divine Mission, and You have esteemed with Your honoring, and You have raised to the Honorable Place. O Allah: We thus beseech You in the name of the honorable mission, the gentle master, and the chaste line that You may bless Muhammad and his Household and that You decide our deeds at this night, as well as all the other nights, as acceptable, our sins as forgiven, our good efforts as praiseworthy, our evildoings as concealed, our hearts as pleased with decent wording, and our sustenance that You decide for us as copiously flowing with easiness. O Allah: Verily You see [everything] but nothing can see You while You are in the Highest Prospect. And, verily, to You are the [final] return and goal. And, verily, to You are causing to death and granting of life. And to You are the Last and the First [of all things]. O Allah: we, surely, seek Your protection against meeting of disgrace and shame and against committing that which You have ordered us not to do. O Allah: we, surely, pray You for Paradise, out of Your mercy, and we seek Your protection against Hellfire. So, (please do) save us from it, in the name of Your omnipotence.  O Allah: I am turning my face toward You asking for the settlement of my needs. And I depend upon You in submitting my problem. And I submit before You my Imams and Masters. O Allah: benefit us by our love for them, and make us follow their examples, and grant us their companionship, and allow us to enter Paradise with their group; by Your mercy, O the most Merciful of all those who show mercy. Amin.

May this noble occasion be favorable and blessed! May good things be disclosed!

May Lailat Al-Isra' Wal Mi’raj mubarak!

May evils be (kept) distant! May the Lord of Glorious Rank cause our hearts to be full of light and radiance by the Light of His Essence! May our needy supplications be accepted and approved in the Court of (Divine) Majesty! May (our) moments (of blessing) (and our spiritual) joys be increased! And may the hearts of the lovers (of God) be opened (wide)! (For the sake of) the (blessed) words of our Venerable Master, the secret of Shams, the nobility of Imâm `Ali, and the favor of Muhammad the unlettered Prophet (and) mercy to (the beings of) the worlds [21:107], let us say: "Hû!" Hûûû…

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