Rumi in Contemporary Life by Prof. Mehdi Aminrazavi and Prof. Mohammad Faghfoory
09 Ağustos 2009
Rumi in Contemporary Life
Prof. Mehdi Aminrazavi and Prof. Mohammad Faghfoory
A discussion about the relevance of Rumi in Contemporary Life by Prof. Mehdi Aminrazavi and Prof. Mohammad Faghfoory.
Mehdi Aminrazavi, Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Director of the Middle Eastern Studies Program, and Co-Director of the Leidecker Center for Asian Studies, earned a Ph.D. (1989) in religion from Temple University, after receiving an M.A. (1981) in philosophy and a B.A. (1979) in urban planning from the University of Washington.
A native of Iran, Dr. Aminrazavi has been published in both Persian and English and translated from Persian and Arabic into English. He has received a number of awards in the United States and internationally, and is a member of the American Academy of Religion, the American Philosophical Association, and the Middle Eastern Society of America. He is the author and editor of numerous books and articles, among which are The Islamic Intellectual Tradition in Persia (1996) and Philosophy, Religion and the Question of Intolerance (1997), Suhrawardi and the School of Illumination (1997), The Wine of Wisdom (2005). Also, he is co-editor of An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia, Vols 1-4.
Mohammad H. Faghfoory teaches Islamic Studies at the George Washington University in Washington DC. He has written/translated eight books, numerous articles and book reviews.
This interview was taken from an episode of the “Perspectives on Faith” program on Ebru TV from 2008.