"May this noble occasion be favorable and blessed, may good things be revealed, may evils be (kept) distant! May the lordly Wedding Night, the arrival to the Glorious Private Palace (of God), the holy right of the great lord (Mevlânâ) in regard to (receiving) the favor of an exalted (spiritual) station, and the abundant favors of the exalted spiritual ones (and) in regard to all the followers-- (all) be complete and universal! For the sake of the (blessed) words [dam] of our Venerable Master, the secret [sirr] of Shams-é Tabrîz, the nobility and generosity of Imâm `Ali, let us say: 'Hû!
Vakt-i Şerif Hayrola,
Hayrlar Feth ola, şerler def ola,
Allah-u azimuşşan esması ile kalplerimiz pûrnur ola,
Şeb-i Arus Mübarek ola,
Dem-i Hazreti Mevlâna
Sırr-i Şems-i Tebrizî
Kerem-i imam-ı Ali
ve Şefaati Muhammedin-nebi
Hû diyelim Hûûû....