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The Mawlawî Awrâd-e Sharîf

The Mawlawî Awrâd-? Sharîf


Translated from Arab?c by ?brah?m Gamard, 12/08


The Mawlawî Awrâd-? Sharîf (Turk?sh: "Evrâd-? Sherîf"), the "Mevlev? Noble Da?ly Rec?tat?ons," ?s an ?mportant da?ly pract?ce of the Mevlev? derv?shes. Th?s ?s an Arab?c word (s?ngular: "w?rd", or "v?rd" ?n Turk?sh) that means "cont?nual (da?ly) pract?ce" of parts of the Qur'ân. ?t ?ncludes selected verses and chapters from the Holy Qur'ân plus selected Ahâdîth prayers, or trad?t?onal prayers sa?d by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon h?m). Th?s da?ly task ?s ass?gned to the early morn?ng, between the t?me of the complet?on of the pre-dawn r?tual prayer and sunr?se.


The Awrâd-? Sharîf has been p?ously attr?buted to Hazrat-? Mawlânâ for a number of centur?es, and many Mevlev?s have bel?eved that ?t ?s the same select?on of Qur'an?c verses and Ahâdîth prayers rec?ted by Hz. Mawlânâ. However, as the great Mevlev? scholar, Abdülbak? Gölp?narl? Efend? wrote ?n "The Mevlev?s After Mevlânâ" (Mevlâna'dan Sonra Mevlev?l?k), the collect?ons of Mevlev? l?tan?es took form long after Mawlânâ's t?me, were ?nfluenced by l?tan?es of other suf? orders, and probably ?ncorporated select?ons rec?ted by some of the great Mevlev?s after the t?me of Ulû `âr?f Chelebî and other Cheleb?s after h?m. As he po?nted out, Aflâkî (?n h?s hag?ography, "The Glor?ous Talents and Ab?l?t?es of the Knowers of God"--"Manâq?bu 'l-`âr?fîn") recorded that Hz. Mawlânâ used to rec?te a Hadîth prayer (of the Prophet Muhamad--peace and bless?ngs be upon h?m) after every pre-dawn r?tual prayer that beg?ns, "O God, make for me a l?ght ?n my heart..." [D.1 below]. And he recorded that Hz. Mawlânâ rec?ted a remarkable prayer of h?s own: "?n every (s?tuat?on of) fear..." [C.4 below]. And he also ?ncluded a prayer heard ?n a dream by a d?sc?ple soon after Hz. Mawlânâ's death: "O God, be merc?ful and k?nd toward my ch?ef and my rel?ance..." [D.2 below]. See also Translator's art?cle, "Arab?c Prayers of Mawlana Jalaludd?n Rum?" v?a th?s l?nk.


Here, four texts of the Awrâd-? Sharîf have been consulted. The transl?terat?on follows the text labeled EM. Some major textual d?fferences are ?nd?cated by footnotes w?th references to the other three texts: FAKH, MUST, and M.SHAMS.


The transl?terat?on ?s punctuated accord?ng to the pauses made by Hajj? Hâf?z ?mâm Hüsey?n Erek Efend? (ch?ef ?mâm of the Shîshlî mosque ?n ?stanbul) ?n h?s CD record?ng of the FAKH text. S?nce th?s record?ng ?s ava?lable on the ?nternet, here, one's browser can be eas?ly opened to both webpages at the same t?me ?n order to read the transl?terat?on wh?le hear?ng the beaut?ful rec?tat?on of Hüsey?n Erek. ?n cases where the FAKH text (read by Hüsey?n Erek) d?ffers from the EM text used here, the d?fferences can be found ?n the footnotes.


Stops are ?nd?cated by "."; repet?t?ons needed to complete longer phrases are ?nd?cated by ","; the hamza, or "glottal stop" (~) ?s d?fferent?ated from the el?s?on, or om?ss?on of a vowel ('); follow?ng M.SHAMS, many words beg?nn?ng w?th a vowel are preceded by a hamza; two consecut?ve consonants that are pronounced d?fferently are separated by a slash to make them clear: "ash/hadu" (?nstead of "ashhadu") and "aS/Hab" (?nstead of "ASHab"); words end?ng ?n pronouns are ?nd?cated by hyphens: Glory be to You--"subHâna-ka", You are our Protector--"anta mawlâ-nâ", (O) my Susta?n?ng Lord---"rabb-î".


The f?rst sect?on, des?gnated by the letter "A", cons?sts of aHâdîth prayers; subd?v?s?ons are numbered accord?ng to the d?v?s?ons ?n MUST, where source references are made for each prayer segment. The second sect?on, des?gnated by the letter "B", cons?sts of verses and chapters from the Holy Qur'ân. The th?rd sect?on, des?gnated by the letter "C", cons?sts of aHâdîth prayers; subd?v?s?ons are numbered accord?ng to the d?v?s?ons ?n MUST. The fourth sect?on, des?gnated by the letter "D", cons?sts of several d?fferent add?t?onal sect?ons that follow ?n the four texts after the end of the Awrâd-? Sharîf ?tself.


The four texts are as follows:


EM = "Evrad-? Mevlâna: Aç?klamal? Evrâd-? Sher?f, Or?j?nal Met?n, Mevlev? V?rdler?" [the (da?ly l?tan?es of Mevlânâ: w?th commentary on the Noble L?tan?es, or?g?nal text, Mevlev? l?tan?es], ?stanbul: Rûmî Yay?nlar?, 2005. The translat?on from Arab?c to Turk?sh ?s based on that by Celâlett?n M. Bâk?r Çelebî and H. Hüsey?n Top (?n FAKH). ?t was prepared for publ?cat?on by Bek?r Shah?n, ed?ted by Mustafa Özçel?k, and ?ncludes a beaut?ful call?graphy of the Arab?c text made by a call?grapher ?n ?stanbul named Al-Hâjj Mustafa Halîm, done ?n 1966-67. The text ?s based on 16 manuscr?pts from l?brar?es ?n Konya and ?stanbul.


The more modern vers?ons of the Awrâd-? Sharîf are shorter than the older ones ?n that, wh?le some may ?nclude Sûrahs 96 and 97, they have el?m?nated Sûrahs 100-107. The reason for th?s may be that ?n former centur?es ?t was more common for Musl?ms to have memor?zed the f?nal Sûrahs of the Qur'ân from a young age, and therefore to have been able to rec?te them eas?ly and qu?ckly. However, more modern Mevlev?s may have felt that to ?nclude so many Sûrahs made the da?ly rec?tat?on of the Noble l?tan?es too lengthy. ?n any case, ?n th?s presentat?on of the Awrâd-? Sherîf, these ten Sûrahs are ne?ther transl?terated or translated.


FAKH = "Hazret-? Mevlânân?n Mübârek Duâlar? (Mevlevî Evrâd-? Sherîfes?)," prepared (= translated from Arab?c ?nto Turk?sh) by Celâlett?n M. Bâk?r Çelebî and H. Hüsey?n Top, ?stanbul: Güven Mücell?t, 1993. The manuscr?pt used ?n th?s ed?t?on was wr?tten ?n1320/1902. ?t ends w?th some ?nstruct?ons wr?tten ?n Pers?an by the last Mevlev? shaykh of the Bahâr?ya Mevlevî-khâna (the Mevlevî center ?n Eyüp, near ?stanbul), Shaykh Fakhru'ddîn Hüsey?n Efend? (d?ed 1911), that were addressed to h?s d?sc?ple, M?dhat Bahâr? Beytur Efend? (d?ed 1971; h?s d?sc?ple ?s Hajj? Hâf?z Hüsey?n Top Efend?).


The text of th?s book was publ?shed ?n Engl?sh as "The Mevlev? W?rd: The Prayers Rec?ted Da?ly by Mevlev? Derv?shes", Soquel, Cal?forn?a: Theshold Soc?ety, 2000. Passages from the Qur'ân are ma?nly a m?xture of the translat?ons by Muhammad Asad ("The Message of the Qur'ân", 1980 and by Yusuf Al? ("The Holy Qur'ân", 1946), the aHâdîth prayers were translated from Arab?c by Mahmoud Mostafa (who also transl?terated the ent?re text), and the f?nal Engl?sh render?ngs of the text were made by Cam?lle Helm?nsk?. The book ?ncludes a foreword by Dr. Celâlett?n M. Bâk?r Çelebî, who stated: "As a servant of Allah who has devoted h?s l?fe to ?slam, to Mevlana, and to th?s path, ? can conf?rm that those who do not know Allah and h?s prophet Muhammed, and h?s Book, cannot know Mevlana. Th?s ?s because Mevlana's words are the ?nterpretat?on of the Qur'an. What they all recommend ?s that people love each other and l?ve together ?n peace and un?ty. The path of Mevlana ?s the path of Muhammad and the Qur'an."


MUST = "Mawlaw?yya hadhâ mat?n? awrâd", a manuscr?pt wr?tten ?n 1282/1865 by a scr?be named al-Hajj MuSTAfà Râq?m. A lengthy treat?se by Mathnawî-Khwânu Dâru 'l-Mathnawî al-Hajj FayDullâh an-Naqshbandî al-Murâdî al-Mawlawî was wr?tten ?n the marg?ns. The manuscr?pt was g?ven to Kab?r and Cam?lle Helm?nsk? by Dr. Celâlett?n Çelebî. The text of th?s Awrâd was reproduced ?n the "The Mevlev? W?rd", but ?t was not the Arab?c text used for the Engl?sh translat?on ?n that book (wh?ch ?s FAKH, the one translated ?nto Turk?sh by Dr. Celalett?n Çelebî and Hüsey?n Top).


M.SHAMS = "al~awrâdu 'sh-sharîfa", publ?shed ?n Damascus, Syr?a, by Shaykh al-Hajj MuHammad Shamsu'ddîn al-Mawlawî al-AHmadî, 1395/1975.


Much grat?tude ?s due to the translat?ons of the Holy Qur'ân that were consulted (by Yusuf Al?, Muhammad Asad, Marmaduke P?ckthal, A. J. Arberry, and Muhammad Al?), the pr?or translat?on of the Ahâdîth prayers by Mahmoud Mostafa, as well as the comp?lers of Arab?c d?ct?onar?es and Qur'an?c glossar?es that were consulted many hundreds of t?mes.


Correct?ons are welcomed. Please ema?l me at: http://dar-al-masnav?.org/contact.html


?brah?m W. Gamard

Cal?forn?a, December 2008






b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. ~allâhumma ~anta 's-salâmu wa m?n-ka 's-salâm. wa ~?lay-ka ya`ûdu 's-salâm. fa-Hayy?-nâ rabba-nâ b?-'s-salâm. wa 'dkh?l-nâ dâra-ka dâra 's-salâm. tabârakta rabba-nâ b?-'s-salâm? wa ta`âlayt. la-ka 'l-Hamdu yâ dhâ 'l-jalâl? wa 'l~?krâm.


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. O God, You are Peace, and from You ?s Peace, and the return to You ?s Peace. For You made us al?ve, (O) our Susta?n?ng Lord, ?n Peace. So enter us ?nto Your Abode, the Abode of Peace. Bless us, (O) our Susta?n?ng Lord, w?th Peace. And (all) exaltat?on and pra?se ?s to You, O Possessor of Majesty and Honor!




subHâna-ka mâ `abad-nâ-ka Haqqa `?bâdat?-ka yâ ma`bûd. subHâna-ka mâ `araf-nâ-ka Haqqa ma`r?fât?-ka yâ ma`rûf. 'al-Hamdu l?-'llâh? `alà 't-tawfîq. wa ~astaghf?ru 'llâha `alà 't-taqSîr. ~ash/hadu ~an lâ ~?lâha ~?llâ 'llâhu waHda-hu lâ sharîka la-h. wa ~ash/hadu ~anna muHammad-an `abdu-hu wa rasûlu-h.


Glory be to You! We have not worsh?pped You as You r?ghtfully deserve to be worsh?pped, O Worsh?pped One. Glory be to You! We have not known You as You r?ghtfully deserve to be known, O Known One. Pra?se be to God for bless?ng and favor! And ? seek the forg?veness of God for (any) shortcom?ngs. ? aff?rm that there ?s no d?v?n?ty except God, only H?m (who has) no partners (shar?ng d?v?n?ty) w?th H?m. And ? aff?rm that Muhammad ?s H?s servant and H?s messenger.




lâ ~?laha ~?llâ 'llâhu la-hu 'l-mulku wa la-hu 'l-Hamdu yuHyî wa yumît. wa huwa Hayy-un lâ yamûtu b?-yad?-h? 'l-khayr. wa huwa `alà kull? shay~?n qadîr. lâ ~?laha ~?llâ 'llâhu la-hu 'n-n?`matu wa la-hu 'l-faDlu wa la-hu 'th-thanâ~u 'l-Hasan.


There ?s no d?v?n?ty except H?m. The K?ngdom (of the creat?on) ?s H?s and (all) pra?se ?s for H?m, the G?ver of L?fe, the Determ?ner of Death. And He ?s Ever-L?v?ng, He never d?es. (All) goodness ?s ?n H?s hand. And He ?s Powerful over all th?ngs. There ?s no d?v?n?ty except H?m. (All) bless?ng and favor are H?s (to g?ve), and (the most) beaut?ful pra?se ?s for H?m.




lâ ~?laha ~?llâ 'llâhu SâH?bu 'l-waHdân?yyat? 'l-qadîm?yyat? 'l~azal?yyat? 'l~abad?yyah.


There ?s no d?v?n?ty except God, the Possessor of Oneness (that ?s) anc?ent, beg?nn?ngless, and endless.




lâ ~?laha ~?llâ 'llâhu wa lâ na`budu ~?llâ ~?yyâ-hu mukhl?Sîna la-hu 'd-dîn. wa law kar?ha 'l-kâf?rûn.


There ?s no d?v?n?ty except God. And we do not worsh?p (anyone) except H?m, s?ncere (?n our) rel?g?ous devot?on to H?m, even though ungrateful den?ers may hate ?t.




~allâhumma lâ mân?`a l?-mâ ~a`Tayta wa la mu`T?ya l?-mâ mana`t. wa lâ hâd?ya l?-man ~aDlalt.1 wa lâ muD?lla l?-man? 'hdayt. wa lâ râdda l?-mâ qaDayt.2 wa lâ mubadd?la l?-mâ Hakamt. wa lâ yanfa`u dhâ 'l-jadd? m?n-ka 'l-jadd.


O God, what You g?ve cannot be prevented, and what You have prevented cannot be g?ven, and what You have decreed cannot be dr?ven back. And the one You have led astray cannot be gu?ded, and the one You have gu?ded cannot be led ?nto error. And what You have commanded cannot be change. And the owner of wealth cannot benef?t from wealth apart from (approval by) You.




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'lladhî lâ yaDurru ma`a ~?sm?-h? shay~un f? 'l~arD? wa lâ fî 's-samâ. wa huwa 's-samî`u 'l-`alîm.


?n the Name of God, regard?ng wh?ch ne?ther anyth?ng on the earth nor ?n the heavens can cause ?njury (at the same t?me) w?th (the ?nvocat?on of) H?s Name. And He ?s All-Hear?ng, All-Know?ng.




b?-'sm? 'llâh? `alà nafs-î wa dîn-î. b?-'sm? 'llâh? `alà ~ahl-î wa mâl-î. b?-'sm? 'llâh? `alà mâ ~a`Tâ-nî rabb-î.


?n the Name of God, (?nvoked) upon myself and my rel?g?on. ?n the Name of God, (?nvoked) upon my fam?ly and property. ?n the Name of God, (?nvoked) upon what my Susta?n?ng Lord has g?ven me.




~allâhu rabb-î wa lâ ~ushr?ku b?-h? shay~an. ~allâhu ~a`azzu wa ~ajallu m?m-mâ ~akhâfu wa ~aHdhar. `azza jâru-ka wa jalla thanâ~u-ka wa taqaddasat ~asmâ~û-ka wa lâ ~?llâha ghayru-k.


God ?s my Susta?n?ng Lord, and ? w?ll never assoc?ate anyth?ng (as a partner) w?th H?m. God ?s More M?ghty and More Glor?ous than whatever ? fear and am on guard (aga?nst). Your protect?on ?s m?ghty and Your pra?se ?s glor?ous and Your Name ?s holy, and there ?s no d?v?n?ty bes?des You.




~allâhumma ~?nn-î ~a`ûdhu b?-ka m?n sharr? nafs-î wa m?n sharr? ghayr-î. wa m?n sharr? kull? jabbâr-?n `anîd. wa m?n sharr? kull? shayTân-?n marîd. ~?nna wal?yya 'llâhu 'lladhî nazzala 'l-k?tâba wa huwa yatawallâ 'S-Sâl?Hîn.


O God, truly ? take refuge w?th You from the ev?l of my own (temptat?ons) and from the ev?l of (those) other than me, and from the ev?l of every self-w?lled oppressor and from the ev?l of every rebell?ous satan. Truly God ?s my protector, who sent down the Book (of revelat?on), and He protects the r?ghteous ones.




3fa~?n tawallaw fa-qul Hasb?ya 'llâhu lâ ~?llâha ~?llâ hû. ~alay-h? tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbu 'l-`arshu 'l-`aZîm.


So ?f they turn the?r backs, then say: "God (alone) ?s suff?c?ent for me. There ?s no d?v?n?ty except H?m. ? rely upon H?m (alone), and He ?s Lord of the M?ghty Throne."




lâ ~?llâha ~?lla huwa 'l-Halîmu 'l-karîm. subHâna 'llâh? rabb? 'l-`arsh? 'l-`aZîm. wa 'l-Hamdu l?-'llâh? rabb? 'l-`âlamîn.


There ?s no d?v?n?ty except H?m, the Most Forbear?ng, the Most Generous. And (all) pra?se be to God, the Susta?n?ng Lord of (all) the worlds.




lâ ~?llâha ~?llâ 'llâhu waHda-hu lâ sharîka la-h. ~?lâh-an wâH?d-an ~aHad-an fard-an Samad-an w?tr-a. rabb-an lam yattakh?dh SâH?bat- an wa lâ walad-a. yâ man lâ yashghulu-hu4 sam`-un `an sam`-?n. yâ man lâ takhtal?fu `alay-h? 'l-lughât.5 ~adh?q-nâ barda `afw?-ka wa Halâwata maghf?rat?-k.


There ?s no d?v?n?ty except God, only H?m (who has) no partners (shar?ng d?v?n?ty) w?th H?m, God (who ?s) One, Un?que, Alone, Eternal, (and) S?ngle; Susta?n?ng Lord (who) never takes a compan?on or a son. O You, the one (who) ?s never (too) occup?ed w?th H?s hear?ng (someth?ng) so as to be kept away from hear?ng (someth?ng else). And O You, the one (regard?ng whom) there ?s never confl?ct for H?m (between) languages. Make us taste the coolness of Your effacement (of our s?ns) and the sweetness of Your forg?veness.




~a`ûdhu b?-llâh? m?na 'sh-shayTân? 'r-rajîm. b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. wa ~?lâhu-kum ~?lâh-un wâH?d. lâ ~?lâha ~?llâ huwa 'r- raHmânu 'r-raH?m.


? take refuge ?n God from Satan the accursed. ?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. And your God ?s One God. There ?s no d?v?n?ty except H?m, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. [2:163]




~allâhu lâ ~?lâha ~?llâ huwa 'l-Hayyu 'l-qayyûm. lâ tâ~khudhu-hu s?nat- un wa lâ nawm. la-hu mâ fî 's-samâwât? wa mâ fî 'l~arD. man dhâ 'lladhî yashfa`u `?nda-hu ~?llâ b?~?dhn?-h. ya`lamu mâ bayna ~aydî-h?m wa mâ khalfa-hum. wa lâ yuHîTûna b?-shay~?n m?n `?lm?-h? ~?llâ b?-mâ shâ~a. was?`a kurs?yyu-hu 'S-Samâwât? wa 'l~arD. wa lâ ya~ûdu-hu H?fZu-humâ. wa huwa 'l-`al?yyu 'l-`aZîm. lâ ~?krâha fî 'd-dîn? qad tabayâna 'r-rushdu m?na 'l-ghayy. fa-man yakfur b?-'T- Tâghût? wa yû~m?n b?-'llâh? fa-qad? 'stamsaka b?-'l-`urwat? 'l- wuthqà. lâ 'nf?Sâma la-hâ wa 'llâhu samî`-un `alîm. ~allâhu wal?yyu 'lladhîna âmanû yukhr?ju-hum m?na 'Z-Zulumât? ~?là 'n-nûr. wa 'lladhîna kafarû ~awl?yâ~û-humu 'T-Tâghût. yukhr?ju-hum m?na 'n-nûr? ~?là 'Z-Zulumât. ~ûlâ~?ka ~aSHâbu 'n-nâr. hum fî-hâ khâl?dûn.


God! There ?s no d?v?n?ty except H?m, the Ever-L?v?ng, the Eternal. No sleep can se?ze H?m and no slumber. To H?m belongs whatever ?s ?n the heavens and whatever ?s on the earth. Who ?s the one that can ?ntercede w?th H?m, except w?th H?s perm?ss?on? He knows what ?s (h?dden) ?n front of them and beh?nd them. And they cannot encompass anyth?ng of H?s knowledge, except what He w?lls. H?s Throne extends (throughout) the heavens and the earth, and the preservat?on of both does not t?re H?m. And He ?s the Most H?gh, the Supremely Great. ?n rel?g?on there ?s no forc?ng (to do what ?s) aga?nst the w?ll (of people). Certa?nly r?ght gu?dance ?s clearly d?st?nct from what leads astray. So whoever den?es the satans and bel?eves ?n God has surely se?zed and held the strongest handle that w?ll never break off. And God ?s All-Hear?ng, All-Know?ng. God ?s the Protector of those who bel?eve; He w?ll br?ng them from darkness ?nto l?ght. But (as for) those who ungratefully deny, the?r fr?ends are the satans; He w?ll br?ng them from l?ght ?nto darkness. They w?ll be compan?ons of the F?re (of Hell), ?n wh?ch they w?ll rema?n. [2:255-257]




l?-'llâh? mâ fî 's-samâwât? wa mâ fî 'l~arD. wa ~?n tubdû mâ fî ~anfus?-kum. aw tukhfû-hu yuHâs?b-kum b?-h? 'llâh. fa-yaghf?ru l?-man yashâ wa yu`adhdh?bu man yashâ. wa 'llâhu `alà kull? shay~?n qadîr. âmana 'r-rasûlu b?-mâ ~unz?la ~?lay-h? m?n rabb?-h? wa 'l- mû~m?nûn. kull-un âmana b?-'llâh? wa malâ~?kat?-h? wa kutub?-h? wa rusul?-h. lâ nufarr?qu bayna ~aHad-?n m?n rusul?-h. wa qâlû sam?`-nâ wa ~aTa`-nâ ghufrâna-ka rabba-nâ wa ~?layka 'l-maSîr. lâ yukall?fu 'llâhu nafs-an ~?llâ wus`a-hâ. la-hâ ma kasabat wa `alay-hâ mâ 'ktasabat. rabba-nâ lâ tû~akh?dh-nâ ~?n nasî-nâ ~aw ~akhTâ~nâ. rabba-nâ wa lâ taHm?l `alay-nâ ~?Sr-an kamâ Hamalta-hu `alà 'lladhîna m?n qabl?-nâ. rabba-nâ wa lâ tuHamm?l-nâ mâ lâ Tâqata la-nâ b?-h. wa '`fû `an-nâ wa 'ghf?r-la-nâ. wa 'rHam-nâ. ~anta mawlâ-nâ fa-'nSur-nâ6 `alà 'l-qawm? 'l-kâf?rîn.


Whatever ?s ?n the heavens and on earth belongs to God. And whether you show openly whatever ?s w?th?n yourselves or h?de ?t, God w?ll settle your account ?n regard to ?t. For He pardons whoever He w?lls and He pun?shes whoever He w?lls. And God ?s Powerful over all th?ngs. The Messenger bel?eves ?n whatever has been revealed to h?m from h?s Susta?n?ng Lord, and (so do) the bel?evers. All (of them) bel?eve ?n God and H?s angels and H?s books and H?s messengers. (And they say,) "We do not separate one as d?fferent from (another) of H?s messengers." And they say, "We l?stened and we w?ll obey. We ask Your forg?veness, (O) our Susta?n?ng Lord, and the journey's arr?val ?s to You." God does not ?mpose d?ff?culty upon any soul except what h?s ab?l?ty (can endure); Whatever (good) he earns (?s favorable) to h?m and whatever (bad) he earns ?s aga?nst h?m. (O) our Susta?n?ng Lord! Do not pun?sh us ?f we forget or make an (un?ntent?onal) m?stake. (O) our Lord! And do not ?mpose a burden on us l?ke what you ?mposed on those pr?or to us. (O) our Lord! And do not burden us w?th what our strength can not bear. Pardon us (for our wrongdo?ngs), and forg?ve us, and be merc?ful to us. You are our Protector, so help us aga?nst the ungrateful den?ers. [2:284-286]




rabba-nâ lâ tuz?gh qulûba-nâ ba`da ~?dh hadayta-nâ wa habla-nâ m?n la-dun-ka raHmah. ~?nna-ka ~anta 'l-wahhâb. rabba-nâ ~?nna-ka jâm?`u 'n-nâs? l?-yawm-?n lâ rayba f?y-h. ~?nna 'llâha lâ yukhl?fu 'l-mî`âd.


(O) our Susta?n?ng Lord! Do not allow our hearts to turn away (from the truth) after You have gu?ded us, but g?ve us mercy from Your presence, for truly You are the Most Generous G?ver. (O) our Susta?n?ng Lord! Certa?nly you are the Gatherer of human?ty on a Day of no doubt ?n ?ts (arr?val), for truly God w?ll not break (H?s) prom?se. [3:8-9]




~alladhîna yaqûlûna rabba-nâ ~?nna-nâ âman-nâ fa-'ghf?r la-nâ dhunûba-nâ waq?-nâ `adhâba 'n-nâr. ~aS-Sâb?rîna wa 'S-Sâd?qîna wa 'l-qân?tîna wa 'l-munf?qîna wa 'l-mustaghf?rîna b?-'l~asHâr. Shah?da 'llâhu ~anna-hu lâ ~?lâha ~?llâ huwa wa 'l-malâ~?katu wa ~ûlû 'l-`?lm? qâ~?m-an b?-'l-q?sT. lâ ~?laha ~?llâ huwa 'l-`azîzu l~Hakîm. ~?nna 'd-dîna `?nda 'llâh? 'l~?slâm.


...Those (of H?s servants) who say, "O our Susta?n?ng Lord, truly we have bel?eved, so forg?ve us our s?ns and save us from the pun?shment of the F?re (of Hell)!" (They are) those (who are) pat?ently endur?ng, s?ncerely truthful, devout, char?tably spend?ng, and pray?ng for forg?veness before the break of day. God (H?mself) g?ves w?tness that there ?s no d?v?n?ty except H?m, (as do) H?s angels and those possessed of knowledge, (for He ?s) the Ma?nta?ner of Just?ce. There ?s no d?v?n?ty except H?m, the Most H?gh, the Most W?se. Truly, w?th God, rel?g?on ?s subm?ss?on (to H?s W?ll). [3:16-19]




fa-kayfa ~?dhâ jama`-nâ hum l?-yawm-?n lâ rayba fî-h? wa wuff?yat kullu nafs-?n mâ kasabat wa hum la yuZlamûn. qul? 'llâhumma mâl?ka 'l-mulk? tû~tî 'l-mulka man tashâ~u wa tanz?`u 'l-mulka m?m-man tashâ. wa tu`?zzu man tashâ~u wa tudh?llu man tashâ. b?-yad?-ka 'l-khayr. ~?nna-ka `alà kull? shay~?n qadîr. tûl?ju 'l-layla fî 'n-nahâr? wa tûl?ju 'n-nahâra fî 'l-layl. wa tukhr?ju 'l-Hayya m?na 'l-mayy?t? wa tukhr?ju 'l-mayy?ta m?na 'l-Hayy. wa tarzuqu man tashâ~u b?- ghayr? H?sâb.


Yet how w?ll ?t be when We collect them together on a Day of no doubt ?n ?ts (arr?val). Say (O Muhammad): O God! Ruler of the K?ngdom (of creat?on), You g?ve dom?n?on to whom You w?ll and You take away dom?n?on from whom You w?ll; You empower w?th honor whom You w?ll and You abase and humble whom You w?ll. ?n Your hand ?s the good. Truly You are Powerful over all th?ngs: You make the n?ght enter ?nto the day and You make the day enter ?nto the n?ght; You br?ng the l?v?ng from the dead and You br?ng the dead from the l?v?ng; and You g?ve sustenance to whom You w?ll, w?thout reckon?ng. [3:25-27]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. 'al-Hamdu l?-'llâh? ~alladh? khalaqa 's-samâwât? wa 'l~arDa wa ja`ala 'Z-Zulumât? wa 'n-nûr. thumma 'lladhîna kafarû b?-rabb?-h?m ya`d?lûn. huwa 'lladhî khalaqa- kum m?n Tîn-?n thumma qaDà ~ajal-an wa ~ajal-un musammà-n `?nda- hu. thumma 'an-tum tamtarûn. wa huwa 'llâhu fî 's-samâwât? wa fî 'l~arD? ya`lamu s?rra-kum wa jahra-kum wa ya`lamu mâ taks?bûn.


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate.(All) pra?se be to God, who created the heavens and the earth and made the darkness and the l?ght. Then (after a t?me) those (who are) ungrateful den?ers assert equal?ty (of other de?t?es) w?th the?r Susta?n?ng Lord. He ?s the one who created you from clay; then He decreed a f?xed (per?od of) t?me (for you). For there ?s a f?xed (per?od of) t?me determ?ned by H?m; yet you st?ll doubt and d?spute. [6:1-3]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. yâ sîn. wa 'l-qur~ân? 'l-Hakîm? ~?nna-ka la-m?na 'l-mursalîna `alà S?râT-?n mustaqîm. tanzîla al-`azîz? 'r-raHîm? l?-tundh?ra qawm-an mâ ~undh?ra abâ~û-hum fa-hum ghâf?lûn. la-qad Haqqa 'l-qawlu `alà ~akthar?-h?m fa-hum lâ yû~m?nûn. ~?nnâ ja`al-nâ fî ~a`nâq?-h?m ~aghlâl-an fa-h?ya ~?lâ 'l~adhqân? fa-hum muqmaHûn. wa ja`al-nâ m?n bayn? ~aydî-h?m sadd-an wa m?n khalf?-h?m saddd-an fa ~aghshay-nâ-hum fa-hum lâ yubS?rûn. wa sawâ~un `alay-h?m ~a~andharta-hum ~am lam tundh?r- hum lâ yû~m?nûn. ~?nna-mâ tundh?ru man? 't-taba`a 'dh-dh?kra wa khash?ya 'r-raHmâna b?~l-ghayb. fa-bashsh?r-hu b?-maghf?rat-?n wa ~ajr-?n karîm. ~?nnâ naHnu nuHyî 'l-mawtà wa naktubu ma qaddumû wa âthâra-hum. wa kulla shay~?n ~aHSay-nâ-hu fî ~?mâm-?n mubîn.


?n the name of God, the most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. Yâ-Sîn. Then (by) the Qur'ân of W?sdom: truly (O Muhammad) you are among the messengers, on a stra?ght path. (?t ?s a revelat?on) sent down by the Most M?ghty, the Most Compass?onate, ?n order that you may warn a people whose fathers were not warned, so they are neglectful and heedless. Certa?nly the word (of God) w?ll have come true aga?nst most of them, s?nce they do not bel?eve. Truly We have put cha?ns on the?r necks that are up to the ch?ns, so that the?r heads are ra?sed up. And We have put a barr?cade ?n front of them and a barr?cade ?n back of them. Then We ve?led them; therefore they cannot see. And ?t ?s the same to them (whether) you warn them or do not warn them: they w?ll not bel?eve. Truly you can (only) warn someone who follows the Rem?nder and (who) p?ously and v?rtuously fears the Most Merc?ful (who ?s) h?dden. So g?ve h?m good news of forg?veness and a generous and bount?ful reward. Truly We w?ll rev?ve the dead. And We wr?te down whatever (good deeds) they have sent ?n advance and the traces (they have left beh?nd). And We have made an account of all th?ngs ?n a clear book (of ev?dence).


wa 'Dr?b la-hum mathal-an ~aSHâba 'l-qaryat. ~?dh jâ~a-hâ 'l-mursalûn. ~?dh ~arsal-nâ ~?lay-h?mu 'thnayn? fa-kadhdhabû-humâ fa-`azzaz-nâ b?-thâl?th-?n fa-qâlû, ~?nnâ ~?lay-kum mursalûn. qâlû mâ ~antum ~?llâ bashar-un m?thlu-nâ wa mâ ~anzala 'r-raHmânu m?n shay~?n ~?n ~antum ~?lâ takdh?bûn. qâlû rabbu-nâ ya`lamu ~?nnâ ~?lay-kum la-mursalûn. wa mâ `alay-nâ ~?llâ 'l-balâghu 'l-mubîn. qâlû ~?nna taTayyar-nâ b?-kum la~?n lam tantahû la-narjumanna-kum wa la- yamassanna-kum m?n-nâ `adhâb-un ~alîm. qâlû Tâ~?ru-kum ma`a-kum. ~a~?n dhukk?r-tum bal ~antum qawm-un musr?fûn. wa jâ~a m?n ~aqSâ 'l-madînat? rajul-un yas`â qâla a qawm? 't-tab?`û 'l-mursalîn. ~?ttab?`û man lâ yas~alu-kum ~ajr-an wa hum muhtadûn. wa mâ l?ya lâ ~a`budu 'l-ladhî faTaran-î wa ~?lay-h? turja`ûn. ~atakh?dhu m?n dûn?-h? âl?hat-an ~?n yuradn? 'r-raHmânu b?Dur-?n lâ tughn? `ann-î shafâ`atu- hum, shay~an wa lâ yunq?dhûn. ~?nn-î ~?dh-an la-fî Dalâl-?n mubîn. ~?nn-î âmantu b?-rabb?-kum fa-'sma`ûn. qîla ~dkhul? 'l-jannata qâla yâ layta qawm-î ya`lamûna b?-mâ ghafara-lî rabb-î wa ja`ala-nî m?na 'l-mukramîn. wa mâ ~anzal-nâ `alà qawm?-h? m?n ba`d?-h? m?n jund- ?n m?na 's-samâ~? wa mâ kun-nâ munz?lîn. ~?n kânat ~?llâ SayHat-an wâH?dat-an fa~?dhâ hum khâm?dûn. yâ Hasrat-an `alà 'l-`?bâd. mâ yâ~tî-h?m m?n rasûl-?n ~?llâ kânû b?-h? yastahz?~ûn. ~a~lam yaraw kam ~ahlak-nâ qabla-hum m?na 'l-qurûn? ~anna-hum ~?lay-h?m lâ yarj?`ûn. wa ~?n kull-un lam-mâ jamî`-un laday-nâ muHDarûn.


And put forth a parable for them about the people of a town to wh?ch messengers came. When we sent two (messengers) to them, they ungratefully den?ed both, so We made them stronger w?th a th?rd. Then they sa?d, "Truly we have been sent to you." (But) they sa?d (?n reply), "You are noth?ng other than humans l?ke us. And (furthermore), the Merc?ful (God) has never sent down anyth?ng (of revelat?on); (and) even ?f so, you are (noth?ng) but l?ars." They (then) sa?d, "Our Susta?n?ng Lord knows that truly we have been sent to you, and there ?s no (obl?gat?on) upon us except a clear del?very (of the message)." (But) they sa?d (?n reply), "We certa?nly see an (ev?l) omen w?th you (here). (So) ?f you do not g?ve up, we w?ll def?n?tely stone you and you w?ll suffer a pa?nful pun?shment from us." They (then) sa?d, "Your (ev?l) omen ?s w?th you. W?ll you (do th?s) ?f you are rem?nded? However, you are a people g?ven to excess." And (then) a man came qu?ckly from the farthest part of the town. He sa?d, "O (my) people, follow the messengers! Follow those who do not ask you for a reward and those (who are) r?ghtly gu?ded! And how ?s ?t (r?ght) for me not to worsh?p the one Who created me and to Whom you w?ll (all) be returned? Other than H?m, should ? take de?t?es (to worsh?p) whose ?ntercess?on, ?f (God) the Merc?ful were to w?ll harm and loss, would be of no advantage to me and would never rescue me? ? would then surely be ?n clear error. Truly ? bel?eve ?n your Susta?n?ng Lord, so l?sten to me!" ?t was sa?d (to h?m),"Enter the Garden!" He sa?d, "?f only my people knew how my Susta?n?ng Lord has forg?ven me and made me among the noble and honored ones!" After h?m, We d?d not send down upon h?s people any heavenly forces, and We were not (?n need of) send?ng (such). Truly ?t was (noth?ng) except one (m?ghty) shout. Then, suddenly, they were ext?ngu?shed. How sad for (My) servants! A messenger never comes to them except they r?d?cule h?m. Do they not see (how) We have destroyed many generat?ons before them? Because those [destroyed generat?ons] w?ll never return to them: for truly all w?ll be made to be present before Us.


wa âyat-un la-humu 'l~arDu 'l-maytah. ~aHyay-nâ-hâ wa ~akhraj-nâ m?n-hâ Habb-an fa-m?n-hu ya~kulûn. wa ja`al-nâ fî-hâ jannât-?n m?n nakhîl- ?n wa ~a`nâb-?n wa fajjar-nâ fî-hâ m?na 'l-`uyûn. l?ya~kulû m?n thamar?-h? wa mâ `am?lat-hu ~aydî-h?m ~afa-lâ yashkurûn. subHâna 'l-ladhî khalaqa 'l~azwâja kulla-hâ b?-mâ tunb?tu 'l-`arDu wa m?n ~anfus?-h?m wa m?m-mâ lâ ya`lamûn. wa âyat-un la-humu 'l-layl. naslakhu m?n-hu 'n-nahâra fa~?dhâ hum muZl?mûna wa 'sh-shamsu tajrî l?-mustaqarr-?n la-hâ. dhâl?ka taqdîru 'l-`azîz? 'l-`alîm. wa 'l-qamara qaddar-nâ-hu manâz?la Hatà `âda ka-'l-`urjûn? 'l-qadîm. lâ 'sh-shamsu yanbaghî la-hâ ~an tudr?ka 'l-qamara wa lâ 'l-laylu sâb?qu 'n-nahâr. wa kullu fî falak-?n yasbaHûn. wa âyat-un la-hum ~annâ Hamal-nâ dhurr?yyata-hum fî 'l-fulk? 'l-mashHûn? wa khalaq-nâ la-hum m?n m?thl?-h? mâ yarkabûn. wa ~?n nashâ~u nughr?q-hum fa-lâ Sarîkha la-hum wa lâ hum yunqadhûn. ~?llâ raHmat-an m?n-nâ wa matâ`-an ~?lâ Hîn. wa ~?dhâ qîla la-humu 't-taqû mâ bayna ~ayd?ya- kum wa mâ khalfa-kum la`alla-kum turHamûn. wa mâ tâ~tî-h?m m?n âyat-?n m?n âyât? rabb?-h?m ~?llâ kânû `an-hâ mu`r?Dîn. wa ~?dhâ qîla la-hum ~anf?qû m?m-mâ razaqa-kumu 'llâhu qâla 'l-ladhîna kafarû l?-'lladh?na âmanû ~anuT`?mu man law yashâ~u 'llâhu ~aT`ama-h. ~?n ~antum ~?llâ fî Dalâl-?n mubîn. wa yaqûlûna matà hâdhâ 'l-wa`du ~?n kuntum Sâd?qîn. mâ yanZurûna ~?llâ SayHat-an wâH?dat-an ta~khudhu- hum wa hum yakh?SS?mûn. fa-lâ yastaTî`ûna tawS?yat-an wa lâ ~?là ~ahl?-h?m yarj?`ûn.


And the dead earth ?s a s?gn for them: We make ?t al?ve and We produce seeds from ?t so that they may eat from ?t. And We make gardens of (date) palm trees and clusters of grapes there?n, and We make spr?ngs to flow forth there?n so they may eat of ?ts fru?t. And the?r hands d?d not produce ?t, (so) w?ll they not, therefore, be grateful? Glory be to the one Who created pa?rs of all th?ngs out of what the earth grows, and out of themselves, and out of what they do not know! And the n?ght ?s a s?gn for them: We throw off the day from ?t (and) then, suddenly, they are ?n darkness. And the sun flows toward ?ts (n?ghtly) abode. That ?s the decree of the Most M?ghty, the All-Know?ng. And (as for) the moon, We have decreed stages for ?t unt?l ?t goes back to (be?ng th?n) as an old palm tree branch. (As for) the sun, ?t ?s not su?table for ?t to reach the moon, and the n?ght cannot overtake the day. And all float ?n a (part?cular) heavenly (orb?t). And (th?s ?s) a s?gn for them: We carry the?r descendants ?n loaded sh?ps; and We have created for them s?m?lar to that (upon) wh?ch they r?de. And ?f We w?ll (?t), We could drown them; then there would be no helper for them (to call) and they would not be rescued, except by some mercy from Us and perm?ss?on to l?ve (and to enjoy l?fe) for a t?me. And when ?t ?s sa?d to them, "Be p?ously caut?ous (toward) what ?s ?n front of you and what ?s beh?nd you so that there may be mercy upon you," [most are heedless] and no s?gn comes to them of the s?gns of the?r Susta?n?ng Lord except they shun ?t. And when ?t ?s sa?d to them, "Spend (on others) from what God has prov?ded you," those who ungratefully deny say to those who bel?eve: "Should we feed one whom God could feed ?f He w?lls? Certa?nly you are ?n (noth?ng) except clear error." And they (also) say, "When ?s (the fulf?llment of) th?s prom?se [about the Hereafter], ?f you are truthful?" They w?ll wa?t (for noth?ng) except one (m?ghty) shout (that) w?ll se?ze them wh?le they are d?sput?ng (w?th each other). Then they w?ll not be able make a w?ll, and they w?ll not return to the?r people.


wa nuf?kha fî 'S-Sûr? fa~?dhâ hum m?na 'l~ajdâth? ~?là rabb?-h?m yans?lûn. qâlû yâ wayla-nâ man ba`atha-nâ m?n marqad?-nâ. hâdhâ mâ wa`ada 'r-raHmânu wa Sadaqa 'l-mursalûn. ~?n kânat ~?llâ SayHat-an wâH?dat-an fa~?dhâ hum jamî`-un laday-nâ muHDarûn. fa-'l-yawma lâ tuZlamu nafs-un shay~an wa lâ tujzawna ~?llâ mâ kuntum ta`malûn. ~?nna ~aSHâba 'l-jannat? 'l-yawma fî shughul-?n fâk?hûn. hum wa ~azwâju-hum fî Z?lâl-?n `alà 'l~arâ~?k? muttak?~ûn. la-hum fî-hâ fâk?hat-un wa la-hum mâ yadda`ûn. salâm- un qawl-an m?n rabb-?n raHîm. wa ~mtâzû 'l-yawma ~ayyuhâ 'l- mujr?mûn. ~alam ~a`had ~?lay-kum yâ banî âdama ~an lâ ta`budû 'sh- shayTâna ~?nna-hu la-kum `aduww-un mubîn. wa ~an? '`budûn-î. hâdhâ S?râT-un mustaqîm. wa laqad ~aDalla m?n-kum j?b?ll-an kathîr-a. ~afa-lam takunû ta`q?lûn. hâdh?-h? jahannamu 'l-latî kun-tum tuwa`adûn. ~?Slaw-hâ 'l-yawma b?-mâ kun-tum takfurûn. al-yawma takht?mu `alà ~afwâh?-h?m wa takall?mu-nâ ~aydî-h?m wa tash/hadu ~arjulu-hum, b?-mâ kânû yaks?bûn. wa law nashâ~u la-Tamas-nâ `alà ~a`yun?-h?m fa-'stabaqû 'S-S?râTa fa~annà yubS?rûn. wa law nashâ~u la-masakh-nâ-hum `alà makânat?-h?m fa-mâ 'staTâ`û muD?yy-an wa lâ yarj?`ûn.


And the Trumpet w?ll be blown. Then, suddenly, they w?ll hurry to the?r Susta?n?ng Lord from (all) the graves. They w?ll say, "Oh sorrow for us! Who has woken us from our places of sleep?" [They w?ll be told,] "Th?s ?s what the Merc?ful (God) prom?se and (about wh?ch) the messengers were truthful." Truly ?t w?ll be (noth?ng) except one m?ghty shout. Then, suddenly, all of them w?ll be made to be present before Us. [They w?ll be told:] "Th?s Day, then, no soul w?ll be treated unjustly about anyth?ng. And you w?ll not be rewarded (for anyth?ng) except what you were do?ng. Truly the compan?ons [dest?ned to be] of the Garden w?ll be joyously occup?ed on that Day. They and the?r w?ves w?ll be ?n (the cool of) the shade, lean?ng aga?nst thrones. There w?ll be fru?t for them there?n, and whatever they call for w?ll be the?rs, [as well as a greet?ng of] 'Peace!'--a word from a Compass?onate Lord. O you (who are) gu?lty of (grave) s?ns and cr?mes, separate yourselves on th?s Day! O sons (and daughters) of Adam, d?d ? not st?pulate for you that you should not worsh?p Satan, (s?nce) truly he ?s your clear enemy? And that you should worsh?p (only) Me, (for) th?s ?s the stra?ght path? And certa?nly he led many mult?tudes among you ?nto error. D?d you not then understand? Th?s ?s the Hell about wh?ch you were prom?sed (?f you d?d so): subm?t to ?ts burn?ng (th?s) Day because you were ungratefully deny?ng (the truth)." (On that) Day We w?ll put a seal on the?r mouths and the?r hands w?ll talk to Us, and the?r feet w?ll test?fy about what (good and bad) they were earn?ng. And ?f We had w?lled, We certa?nly could have effaced the?r eyes. Then they would have str?ven to surpass (one other) on the path, but how would they (have been able to) see? And ?f We had w?lled, We certa?nly could have changed them (?n form) ?n regard to the?r places; then they would not have been able to go away or return.


wa man nu`amm?r-hu nunakk?s-hu fî 'l-khalq. ~afalâ ya`q?lûn. wa mâ `allam-nâ-hu 'sh-sh?`ra wa mâ yanbaghî la-h. ~?n huwa ~?llâ dh?kr-un wa qur~ân-un mubîn. l?yundh?ra7 man kâna Hayy- an wa yaH?qqa 'l-qawlu `alà 'l-kâf?rîn. ~awa lam yaraw ~annâ khalaq-nâ la-hum m?m-mâ `am?lat ~aydî-nâ ~an`âm-an fa-hum la-hâ mâl?kûn. wa dhallal-nâ-hâ la-hum fa-m?n-hâ rakûbu-hum wa m?n-hâ yâ~kulûn. wa la-hum fî-hâ manâf?`u wa mashar?b. ~afa-lâ yashkurûn. wa 'ttakhadhû m?n dûn? 'llâh? âl?hat-an la`alla-hum yunSarûn. lâ yastaTî`ûna naSra-hum wa hum la-hum jund-un muHDarûn. fa-lâ yaHzun-ka qawla-hum ~?nnâ na`lamu mâ yus?rrûn a mâ yu`l?nûn. ~awa lam yara 'l~?nsânu ~annâ khalaq-nâ-hu m?n nuTfat-?n fa~?dhâ huwa khaSîm-un mubîn. wa Daraba la-nâ mathal-an wa nas?ya khalqa-h. qâla man yuHyî 'l-`?Zâma wa h?ya ramîm. qul yuHyî-hâ 'lladhî anshâ~ hâ ~awwala marrah. wa huwa b?-kull? khalq-?n `alîm. ~alladhî ja`ala la-kum m?na 'sh-shajâr? 'l~akhDar? nâr-an fa~?dhâ ~antum m?n-hu tûq?dûn. ~awa laysa 'lladhî khalaqa 's-samâwât? wa 'l~arDa b?-qâd?r- ?n `alà ~an yakhluqa m?thla-hum. balâ wa huwa 'l-khallâqu 'l-`alîm. ~?nna mâ ~amru-hu ~?dhâ ~arâda shay~an ~an yaqûla la-hu kun fa- yakûn. fa-subHâna 'lladhî b?-yad?-h? malakûtu kull? shay~?n wa ~?lay-h? turja`ûn.


And to whomever We grant long l?fe, We make h?m bent low ?n natural shape. Do they not then understand? And We d?d not teach h?m [the Prophet] poetry, and ?t ?s not su?table for h?m. Truly ?t [[the Qur'ân]] ?s (noth?ng) except a Rem?nder and a clar?fy?ng rec?tat?on, so that ?t may warn the one who ?s al?ve, and (so that) the Word (of revelat?on) may be ver?f?ed aga?nst ungrateful den?ers. Do they not see (that) We created cattle for them, out of what Our hands have made, so that they are the?r owners? And We made these subm?ss?ve to them, so some of these they r?de and some of these they eat; and, ?n regard to these, there are (other) benef?ts, and beverages (of m?lk). (So) w?ll they not, therefore, be thankful? And they take de?t?es bes?des God, so that they may be helped. (But) these are not able to help them; and [on that Day], ?n regard to them, these (?nv?s?ble) forces w?ll be made to be present [before Us]. So do not let the?r talk cause you sorrow (O Muhammad). Truly We know whatever they do secretly and whatever they do openly. Does man not see (that) We created h?m from sperm? Then, suddenly, he ?s a clear opponent! And he puts forth a s?m?l?tude for Us [that assoc?ates Us w?th created th?ngs] and forgets h?s own creat?on. He says, "Who w?ll rev?ve (the dead from) bones, when those are decayed?" Say: "The one Who or?g?nated them the f?rst t?me w?ll rev?ve them. And He ?s the Knower of every created th?ng, who made f?re for you from the green tree so that, suddenly, you k?ndled (a spark) from ?t. ?s He, the one Who created the heavens and the earth, not able to create the?r l?keness (aga?n)? Yes ?ndeed! And He ?s the Creator, the All-Know?ng. When He w?lls someth?ng (to ex?st), H?s command ?s only that He says to ?t, "Be!" And ?t ?s. Then glory be to the one ?n Whose hand ?s the K?ngdom of all th?ngs! And to H?m you w?ll (all) be returned. [36:1-83]




wa lâ tad`u ma`a 'llâh? ?lâh-an âkhar. lâ ?lâha ?llâ huw. kullu shay~?n hâl?k-un ?llâ wajha-h. la-hu 'l-hukmu wa ?lay-h? turja`ûn.


And do not call to another d?v?n?ty along w?th God. There ?s no d?v?n?ty except H?m. Everyth?ng w?ll per?sh except H?s Face. The judgment ?s H?s and you w?ll (all) be returned to H?m. [28:88]




wa laqad sabaqat kal?matu-nâ l?`?bâd?-nâ 'l-mursalîn. ?nna-hum la-humu 'l-manSûrûn. wa ~?nna junda-nâ la-humu l-ghâl?bûn. fa- tawalla `an-hum Hattà Hîn. wa ~abS?r-hum fa-sawfa yubS?rûn. ~afab?`adhâb?-nâ yasta`j?lûn. fa~?dhâ nazala b?sâHat?-h?m fa-sâ~a SabâHu 'l-mundharîn. wa tawalla `an-hum Hattà Hîn. wa ~abS?r fa- sawfa yubS?rûn. subHâna rabb?-ka rabb? 'l-`?zzat? `ammâ yaS?fûn. wa salâm-un `alà 'l-mursalîn. wa 'l-Hamdu l?-'llâh? rabb? 'l`âlamîn.


And certa?nly Our Word went prev?ously to Our servants, the messengers, that truly they, certa?nly they, would be helped. And (that) truly Our (heavenly) forces, certa?nly they, would be v?ctor?ous. So turn away from them for a t?me and watch them: for they w?ll soon see. Do they seek to hasten Our pun?shment? For when ?t ?s sent down between the?r dwell?ngs, then the morn?ng w?ll be wretched for those (who were) warned. So turn away from them for a t?me and watch them: for they w?ll soon see. Glory be to your Susta?n?ng Lord, the Lord of Power, (far) above (the partners) they attr?bute (to H?m)! And peace on the messengers. And (all) pra?se be to God, the Susta?n?ng Lord of (all) the worlds. [37:171-182]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. yâ ~ayyu-hâ 'lladhî âmanû 'ttaqû 'llâha wa 't-tanZuru nafs-un mâ qaddamat l?qhad. wa 'ttaqû 'llâha ~?nna 'llâha khabîr-un b?-mâ ta`malûn. wa lâ takûnû ka-'lladhîna nasû 'llâh. fa~ansàhum ~anfusa-hum. ~awlâ~?ka humu 'l-fâs?qûn. lâ yastawî ~aSHâbu 'n-nâr? wa ~aSHâbu 'l-jannah. ~aSHâbu 'l-jannat? humu 'l- fâ~?zûn. law ~anzal-nâ hâdhâ 'l-qur~âna `alà jabal-?n la-râ~ayta-hu khâsh?`-an mutaSadd?`-an m?n khashyat? 'llâh. wa t?lka 'l~amthâlu naDr?bu-hâ l?-'n-nâs? la-`alla-hum yatafakkarûn. huwa 'llâhu 'lladh? lâ ~?lâha ~?llâ hû. `âl?mu 'l-ghayb? wa 'sh-shahadah. huwa 'r-raHmânu 'r-raHîm. huwa 'llâhu 'lladhî lâ ~?lâha ~?llâ hû. 'al-mal?ku 'l-quddûsu 's-salâmu 'l-mû~m?nu 'l-muhaym?nu 'l-`azîzu 'l-jabbâru 'l- mutakabb?r. subHâna 'llâh? `ammâ yushr?kûn. huwa 'llâhu 'l-khâl?qu 'l-bârî~u 'l-muSaww?ru la-hu 'l~asmâ~u 'l-Husnà. yusabb?Hu la-hu mâ fî 's-samâwât? wa 'l~arD. wa huwa 'l-`azîzu 'l-Hakîm.


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. O you who bel?eve, p?ously and v?rtuously fear God. And let every person see what (good deeds) he (or she) has sent ?n advance for the morn?ng [of the Day of Judgment]. And p?ously fear God. Truly God ?s Most Aware of whatever you do. And do not be l?ke those who have forgotten God, so that he made them forget the?r own souls. (As for them), they are the rebell?ous d?ssolute ones. The compan?ons of the F?re and the compan?ons of the Garden are not equal. (As for) the compan?ons of the Garden, they w?ll be the ones who atta?n success and v?ctory (?n the Afterl?fe). ?f We had sent down th?s Rec?tat?on [[the Qur'ân]] upon a mounta?n, you would surely have seen ?t humbled and spl?t apart from fearful awe of God. And We put forth these parables to mank?nd, so that they may th?nk (carefully). He ?s God, (regard?ng) whom there ?s no d?v?n?ty except H?m, the Knower of the h?dden and the man?fest. He ?s the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. He ?s God, (regard?ng) whom there ?s no d?v?n?ty except H?m, the Absolute K?ng, the Most Holy, the G?ver of Peace, the G?ver of Safety, the Guard?an, the Most Powerful, the Subduer, the Most Great. Glory be to God, (far) above what (de?t?es) they assoc?ate (w?th H?m)! He ?s God: the Creator, the Maker, the G?ver of Forms. The most beaut?ful Names belong to H?m. Whatever ?s ?n the heavens and on earth g?ves glory to H?m, and He ?s the Most Powerful, the Most W?se. [59:18-24]




wa man yattaq? 'llâha yaj`al la-hu makhraj-a. wa yarzuq-hu m?n Haythu lâ yaHtas?b. wa man yatawakkal `alà 'llâh? fa-huwa Hasbu-h. ~?nna 'llâha bâl?ghu ~amr?-h. qad ja`ala 'llâhu l?-kull? shay~?n qadr-a.


And whoever p?ously and v?rtuously fears God, He makes a way out for h?m (from d?ff?cult?es), and He prov?des for h?m by a means that he cannot est?mate. And whoever rel?es upon God, then He w?ll be suff?c?ent for h?m. Truly God ?s the one Who accompl?shes H?s (decreed) matter. Certa?nly God has determ?ned the (r?ght) amount for everyth?ng. [65:2-3]




wa ~?n yakâdu 'lladhîna kafarû la-yuzl?qûna-ka b?~abSâr?-h?m. lam- mâ sam?`û 'dh-dh?kra wa yaqûlûna ~?nna-hu la-majnûn. wa mâ huwa ~?llâ dh?kr-un l?-l-`âlamîn.


And truly those who ungratefully deny would almost make you sl?p (and fall) w?th the?r eyes when they hear the Rem?nder. And they say, "Certa?nly he ?s a crazy man!" But ?t ?s (noth?ng) except a Rem?nder for (the be?ngs of) the worlds. [68:51-52]




l?-man shâ~a m?n-kum ~an yastaqîm. wa mâ tashâ~ûna ~?llâ ~an yashâ~a 'llâhu rabbu 'l-`âlamîn.


[Truly ?t ?s (noth?ng) except a Rem?nder for (the be?ngs of the) worlds], for those among you who seek to go stra?ght. But you cannot w?ll (to do so) unless God w?lls, the Susta?n?ng Lord of (all) the worlds. [81:28-29]




wa 'llâhu ?n warâ~?-h?m muHît. bal huwa qur~ân-un majîd. fî lawH-?n maHfûZ.


And (as for those who ungratefully deny through ly?ng), God surrounds them on (all) the s?des. On the contrary, ?t [[the Qur'ân]] ?s a majest?c Rec?tat?on (recorded) on a well-preserved tablet. [85:20-22]




~?nna-hum yakîdûna kayd-a. wa ~akîdu kayd-a. fa-mahh?l? 'l-kâf?rîna ~amh?l-hum ruwayd-a.


Certa?nly they are plott?ng a cunn?ng scheme (aga?nst you, O Muhammad), and ? am plann?ng a (more subtle) stratagem (aga?nst them). So g?ve the ungrateful den?ers a delay: proceed slowly and gently (for now). [86:15-17]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. wa 'l-layl? ~?dhâ yaghshà. wa 'n-nahâr? ~?dhâ tajallà. wa mâ khalaqa 'dh-dhakara wa 'l~unthà. ~?nna sa`ya-kum la-shattà. fa~ammâ man ~a`Tà wa 't-taqà. wa Saddaqa b?-'l-Husnà. fa-sanuyass?ru-hu l?-yusrà. wa ~amma man bakh?la wa 'staghnà. wa kadhdhaba b?-'l-Husnà. fa-sanuyass?ru-hu l?-l`usrà. wa mâ yughnî `an-hu mâ la-hu ~?dhâ taraddà. ~?nna `alay-nâ la-'l-hudà wa ~?nna la-nâ la-'l-âkh?rata wa 'l~ûlà. fa~andhartu-kum nâr-an talaZZà. lâ yaSlà-hâ ?llâ 'l~ashqà ~alladhî kadhdhaba wa tawallà. wa sayujannabu-hâ 'l-atqà ~alladhî yû~tî mâ la-hu yatazakkà. wa mâ l?~aHad-?n `?nda-hu m?n n?`mat-?n tujzà. ~?llâ 'bt?ghâ~a wajh? rabb?- h? 'l~a`là. wa la-sawfa yarDà.


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. By the n?ght when ?t covers and h?des, and the day when ?t br?ghtens and reveals, and that wh?ch creates male and female! Truly your efforts are (for) separate (ends). So as for the one who g?ves (?n char?ty) and p?ously and v?rtuously fears (God) and s?ncerely aff?rms the good, We w?ll surely fac?l?tate for h?m (the way) to ease and comfort. But as for the one who ?s m?serly and sat?sf?ed w?th (h?s) wealth (alone) and l?es about the good, We w?ll surely fac?l?tate for h?m (the way) to hardsh?p and d?stress. And h?s property w?ll be of no advantage to h?m when he ?s made to fall headlong. Truly the gu?dance ?s Ours (to g?ve), and truly the Afterl?fe and the former (l?fe on earth) ?s Ours (to rule). Therefore, ? warn you of the F?re (of Hell that) blazes: none w?ll subm?t to ?ts burn?ng except the most m?serable, the one who kept ly?ng and (who) turned (h?s) back (to the truth). But the most p?ously (God-) fear?ng w?ll be kept far from ?t--the one who g?ves of h?s wealth (?n char?ty), pur?fy?ng (the rema?nder thereby); and none w?ll have w?th h?m any (expected) favor of reward, except the eager seek?ng of the (pleased) Face of h?s Susta?n?ng Lord, the Most Exalted. And he w?ll be content soon. [92:1-21]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. wa 'D-DuHà wa 'l-layl? ~?dhâ sajà. mâ wadda`a-ka rabbu-ka wa mâ qalà. wa 'l-âkh?ratu khayr-un la-ka m?na 'l~ûlà. wa la-sawfa yu`Tî-ka rabbu-ka fa-tarDà. ~alam yaj?d-ka yatîm-an fa-âwà. wa wajada-ka Dâl-an fa-hadà. wa wajada-ka `â~?l-an fa~aghnà. fa~ammâ 'l-yatîma fa-lâ taqhar. wa ~ammâ 's- sâ~?la fa-lâ tanhar. wa ~ammâ b?-n?`mat? rabb?-ka fa- Hadd?th.8


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. By the forenoon (of the morn?ng l?ght), and the n?ght when ?t ?s dark and qu?et! Your Susta?n?ng Lord has not left you beh?nd (O Muhammad), and He does not d?sfavor you. And certa?nly the Afterl?fe w?ll be better for you than the former (l?fe on earth). And your Lord w?ll g?ve generously to you soon, so that you w?ll be content. D?dn't He f?nd you an orphan (and) then sheltered (you), and f?nd you stray?ng (and) then gu?ded (you), and f?nd you poor (and) then enr?ched (you)? So as for the orphan, do not be oppress?ve. And as for the quest?oner, do not be reproachful. And as for the bless?ng and favor of your Lord, be procla?m?ng! [93:1-11]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. ~alam nashraH la-ka Sadrak. wa waDa`-nâ `an-ka w?zra-ka ~lladhî ~anqaDa Zahr-ak. wa rafa`-nâ la-ka dh?kr-ak. fa~?nna ma`a 'l-`usr? yusr-an ~?nna ma`a 'l-`usr? yusr-a. fa~?dhâ faraghta fa-'nSab. wa ~?là rabb?-ka fa-'rghab.9


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. D?dn't We expand your breast for you (O Muhammad)? And (d?dn't) We take your burden from you that we?ghed heav?ly on your back? And (d?dn't) We elevate your ment?on (and fame)? For truly ease and comfort come along w?th d?ff?culty; truly ease and comfort come along w?th d?ff?culty. So when you are at le?sure, cont?nue to str?ve (?n prayer and remembrance), and ?ncl?ne w?th long?ng love toward your Susta?n?ng Lord. [94:1-8]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. wa 't-tîn? wa 'z-zaytûn? wa Tûr? sînîn. wa hâdhâ 'l-balad? 'l~amîn. la-qad khalaq-nâ 'l~?nsâna fî ~aHsan? taqwîm. thuMma radad-nâ-hu ~asfala sâf?lîn. ~?llâ 'l-ladhîna âmanû wa `am?lû 'S-Sâl?Hât? fa-la-hum ~ajr-un ghayru mamnûn. fa-mâ yukadhdh?bu-ka ba`du b?-'d-dîn. ~alaysa 'llâhu b?~aHkam? 'l-Hâk?mîn.


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. By the f?g and the ol?ve, and Mount S?na?, and th?s protected c?ty. Certa?nly We created man ?n the best proport?on. Then We made h?m revert to the lowest of those (who are) lowly, except those who bel?eve and do good deeds; for them, then, there w?ll be a reward never d?m?n?shed. Then what can contrad?ct you (O Muhammad) about the Judgment after (th?s)? ?s not God the Most Jud?c?ous of judges? [95:1-8]


B.21 [96:1-19]10
B.22 [97:1-5]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. lam yakun? 'lladhîna kafarû m?n ~ahl? 'l-k?tâb? wa 'l-mushr?kîna munfakîna Hatà tâ~t?ya-humu 'l- bay?nah. rasûl-un m?na 'llâh? yatlû SuHuf-an mutahharah. fî-hâ kutub-un qayy?mah. wa mâ tafarraqa 'lladhîna ~ûtû 'l-k?tâba ~?llâ m?n ba`d? mâ jâ~a~t-humu 'l-bay?nah. wa mâ ~um?rû ~?llâ l?-ya`budû 'llâha mukhl?Sîna la-hu 'd-dîna Hunafâ~a wa yuqîmû 'S-Salâta, wa yû~tû 'z-zakâta wa dhâl?ka dînu 'l-qayy?mah. ~?nna 'lladhîna kafarû m?n ~ahl? 'l-k?tâb? wa 'l-mushr?kîna fî nâr? jahannnama khâl?dîna fî-hâ ~ûlâ~?-ka hum sharru 'l-bar?yya. ~?nna 'lladhîna âmanû wa `am?lû 'S-Sâl?Hât? ~ûlâ~?-ka hum khayru 'l-bar?yyah. jazâ~u-hum `?nda rabb?- h?m jannâtu `adn-?n tajrî m?n taHt?-hâ 'l~anhâru, khâl?dîna fî-hâ ~abad-a. raD?ya 'llâhu `an-hum wa raDû `an-h. dhâl?ka l?-man khash?ya rabba-h.


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. Those who are ungrateful den?ers among the People of the Book and those who assoc?ate (partners w?th God) could not have been [?nv?ted to be] freed unt?l clear ev?dence came to them, [from] a messenger (sent) by God rec?t?ng pure pages (of revelat?on). And those to whom the Book was g?ven d?d not become separated unt?l clear ev?dence came to them. And they are not commanded (anyth?ng) except to worsh?p God, (to be) s?ncerely truthful ones (?n regard to) rel?g?on for H?s sake, turn?ng toward monothe?st?c fa?th, constant ?n (the performance of) the (r?tual) prayers, and g?v?ng to char?ty. And that ?s true rel?g?on. Truly those (who are) ungrateful den?ers among the People of the Book and those who assoc?ate (partners w?th God) w?ll be ?n the F?re of Hell, rema?n?ng there?n. They are the worst creatures. Truly those who bel?eve and do good deeds, they are the best creatures. The?r reward ?s w?th the?r Susta?n?ng Lord: an eternal Garden, beneath wh?ch r?vers cont?nue to flow, rema?n?ng there?n forever. God w?ll be content w?th them and they w?ll be content w?th H?m. That ?s (the reward) for the one who p?ously and v?rtuously fears h?s Lord. [98:1-8]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. ~?dhâ zulz?lat? 'l~arDu z?lzâla-hâ. wa ~akhrajat? 'l~arDu ~athqâla-hâ. wa qâla 'l~?nsânu mâ la-hâ. yawma~?dh-?n tuHadd?thu ~akhbâra-hâ. b?~anna rabba-ka ~awHâ la-hâ. yawma~?dh-?n yaSduru 'n-nâsu ~ashtât-an l?-yuraw ~a`mâla-hum. fa-man ya`mal m?thqâla dharrat-?n khayr-an yara-h. wa man ya`mal m?thqâla dharrat-?n sharr-an yara-h.11


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. When the earth shakes w?th her (f?nal) quak?ng and the earth br?ngs out her (bur?ed) burdens. And (when) mank?nd says, "What (has happened) to her?" On that Day she w?ll procla?m her news, as ?f your Susta?n?ng Lord had ?nsp?red her. On that Day mank?nd w?ll proceed separately so that they may be shown the?r deeds. Then the one who does a part?cle's we?ght of good w?ll see ?t, and the one who does a part?cle's we?ght of bad w?ll see ?t. [99:1-8]


B.25 [100:1-11]12
B.26 [101:1-11]
B.27 [102:1-8]
B.28 [103:1-3]
B.29 [104:1-9]
B.30 [105:1-5]
B.31 [106:1-4]
B.32 [107:1-7]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. ~?nnâ ~a`Tayna-ka 'l-kawthar. fa-Sall? l?-rabb?-ka wa 'nhar. ~?nna shân?~a-ka huwa 'l~abtar.13


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. Truly We have g?ven you (O Muhammad) the (Heavenly r?ver of) abundance. So pray to your Susta?n?ng Lord, and make (r?tual) sacr?f?ces. (As for) the one who hates you, truly he w?ll be cut off. [108:1-3]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. qul yâ ~ayu-hâ 'l-kaf?rûn. lâ ~a`budu mâ ta`budûn. wa lâ ~antun `âb?dûna mâ ~a`bud. wa lâ ~anâ `âb?d-un mâ `abad-tum wa lâ ~antum `âb?dûna mâ ~a`bud. la-kum dînu-kum wa l?ya dîn.


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. Say: O ungrateful den?ers, ? do not worsh?p what you worsh?p. And (as for) you, you do not worsh?p what ? worsh?p. And (as for) me, ? do not worsh?p what you worsh?p. And (as for) you, you do not worsh?p what ? worsh?p. Your rel?g?on ?s for you and my rel?g?on ?s for me. [109:1-6]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. `?dhâ jâ~a naSru 'llâh? wa 'l-fatH. wa ra~ayta 'n-nâsa yadkhulûna fî dîn? 'llâh? ~afwâj-a. fa-sabb?H b?-Hamd? rabb?-ka wa 'staghf?r-h. ~?nna-hu kâna tawwâb-a.


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. When the help of God comes, and v?ctory, and you see (O Muhammad) mank?nd enter?ng the rel?g?on of God ?n crowds, then glor?fy your Susta?n?ng Lord w?th pra?se, and ask H?s forg?veness. Truly He ?s Ever-Turn?ng (?n forg?veness). [110:1-3]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. tabbat yadâ ~abî lahab-?n watab. mâ ~aghnà `an-hu mâ la-hu wa mâ kasab. sayaSlà nâr-an dhâta lahab. wa 'mra~atu-h. Hammâlata 'l-HaTab. fî jîd?-hâ Habl-un m?n masad.


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. The hands of [your enemy] Abu Lahab (the "Father of Flames") w?ll be destroyed, and he w?ll be destroyed. H?s wealth and whatever he has earned w?ll be of no use to h?m. He w?ll subm?t to the F?re (of Hell) conta?n?ng flames. And h?s w?fe w?ll be the carr?er of the wood (for fuel); there w?ll be a rope (made) of palm f?bers upon her neck. [111:1-5]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. qul huwa 'llâhu ~aHad. ~allâhu 'S-Samad. lam yal?d wa lam yûlad. wa lam yakun la-hu kufuw-an ~aHad.14


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. Say: He ?s God the One, God the Eternal. He does not br?ng forth ch?ldren nor ?s He born from anyone, and there ?s no one comparable to H?m. [112:1-4]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. qul ~a`ûdhu b?-rabb? 'l-falaq. m?n sharr? mâ khalaq. wa m?n sharr? ghâs?q-?n ~?dhâ waqab. wa m?n sharr? 'n-naffâthât? fî 'l-`uqad. wa m?n sharr? Hâs?d-?n ~?dhâ Hasad.15


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. Say: ? seek protect?on w?th the Lord of the dawn, from the ev?l of what He has created, and from the ev?l of darkness when ?t approaches, and from the ev?l of those who blow (mag?c spells) on knots, and from the env?ous one when he acts w?th envy. [113:1-5]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. qul ~a`ûdhu b?-rabb? 'n-nâs? mal?k? 'n-nas? ~?lâh? 'n-nâs. m?n sharr? 'l-waswâs? 'l-khannâs. ~alladh? yuwasw?su fî Sudûr? 'n-nâs. m?na l-j?nnat? wa 'n-nâs.16


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. Say: ? seek protect?on w?th the Susta?n?ng Lord of human be?ngs, the K?ng of human be?ngs, the God of human be?ngs, from the ev?l of the wh?sper?ng Tempter who sneaks away, (the one) who wh?spers ?nto the hearts of human be?ngs--from (the ev?l suggest?ons of) j?nns and human be?ngs. [114:106]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. 'al-Hamdu l?-'llâh? rabb? 'l~âlamîn. 'ar-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. mâl?k? yawm? 'd-dîn. ~?yyâka na`budu wa ~?yyaka nasta`în. ~?hd?-nâ 'S-S?raTa 'l-mustaqîm. S?râTa 'lladhîna ~an`amta `alay-h?m. ghayr? 'l-maghDûb? `alay-h?m wa lâ 'D- Dâllîn.


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. The pra?se ?s to God, the Susta?n?ng Lord of (the be?ngs of all) the worlds, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate, K?ng and Owner of the Day of Judgment. (Only) You do we serve and worsh?p and (only) You do we ask for help. Gu?de us on the stra?ght path, the path of those upon whom You have g?ven bless?ngs, not (the path) of those who have earned condemnat?on nor of those who have wandered astray. [1:1-7]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. ~alîf lâm mîm. dhâl?ka 'l-k?tâbu lâ rayba fî-h. hud-an l?-'l-muttaqîn. ~alladhîna yû~m?nûna b?-'l-ghayb? wa yuqîmûna 'S-Salâta wa m?m-mâ razaq-nâ-hum yunf?qûn. wa 'lladhîna yû~m?nûna b?-mâ ~unz?la ~?lay-ka wa mâ ~unz?la m?n qabl?-k. wa b?-'l-âkh?rat? hum yûq?nûn. ~ûlâ~?ka `alà hud-an m?n rabb?-h?m wa ~ulâ~?ka humu 'l-mufl?Hûn.


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. A. L. M. Th?s ?s the Book ?n wh?ch there ?s no doubt; ?t ?s a gu?dance for those who p?ously and v?rtuously fear God--those who bel?eve ?n ?n the unseen (real?t?es), and are constant ?n (the performance of) the (r?tual) prayers, and spend (on others) what We have prov?ded to them. And (?t ?s for) those who bel?eve ?n what was sent down (of revelat?on) to you (O Prophet), and (?n) what was sent down (of revelat?on) before you, and who have certa?nty of fa?th ?n the Afterl?fe. Those are the ones upon (the way of) gu?dance from the?r Susta?n?ng Lord, and who atta?n a happy salvat?on. [2:1-5]




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. 'al-Hamdu l?-'llâh? 'lladhî ~aHyâ-nî ba`da mâ ~amâta-nî wa radda ~?layya rûH-î wa ~?lay-h? 'l-ba`thu wa 'n-nushûr.17 'al-Hamdu l?-'llâh? 'lladhî nawwara qalb-î b?-nûr? 'l-hudà. wa ja`ala- nî m?na 'l-mû~m?nîna wa lam yaja`l-nî m?na 'D-Dâllîn.


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. The pra?se ?s to God, who made me rev?ve after He made me sleep, and returned my sp?r?t to me. And to H?m ?s the awaken?ng and the Resurrect?on (of the dead). The pra?se ?s to God, who ?llum?ned my heart w?th the l?ght of gu?dance, and made me (to be) among the bel?evers, and does not make me (to be) among those who have wandered astray.




al-Hamdu l?-'llâh? 'lladhî ~adh/haba 'l-layla muZl?m-an b?-qudrat?-h. wa jâ~a b?-'n-nahâr? mubS?r-an b?-raHmat?-h. khalq-an jadîd-an wa mulk-an kabîr-a. wa naHnu ~?lay-h? Sâ~?rûn. 'al-Hamdu l?-'llâh? 'lladhî ~akrama-nî b?-'s-sunnat? wa 'l-jamâ`ah. wa lam yaja`l-nî m?n ~ahl? 'l-hawà wa 'l-b?d`ah. 'al-Hamdu l?-'llâh? 'lladhî satara `alayya `awrat-î.18 'al-Hamdu l?-'llâh? 'lladhî lam yaj`al r?zq-î fî yad? ghayr?-h. 'al- Hamdu l?-'llâh? 'lladhî ja`ala-nî m?n ~ummat? muHammad-?n `alay-h? 'S-Salawâtu wa 's-salâm.


The pra?se ?s to God who, by H?s Power, carr?ed off the dark n?ght and (who), by H?s Mercy, brought the v?s?ble day--a fresh creat?on and a magn?f?cent K?ngdom. And we are travelers toward H?m. The pra?se ?s to God who honored me w?th the (Prophet's) Trad?t?ons of the whole (Sunn?) commun?ty, and (because He) d?d not make me (to be) among the people of excess?ve des?res and (dev?ant) ?nnovat?on (?n rel?g?on). The pra?se ?s to God who covered my pr?vate parts for me [by prov?d?ng clothes]. The pra?se ?s to God who d?d not make my (da?ly) sustenance (to be) ?n the power of (anyone) other than H?m. The pra?se ?s to God who made me (to be) among the commun?ty of Muhammad--may bless?ngs be upon h?m, and peace.




~aSbaHtu wa ~aSbaHa 'l-mulku l?-'llâh. wa 'l-Hamdu l?-'llâh. wa 'l-`aZamatu l?-'llâh. wa 'l-qudratu l?-'llâh. wa 'l-k?br?yâ~u l?-'llâh. wa 'l-`?zzatu l?-'llâh. wa 'l-jalâlu l?-'llâh. wa 'l-jabarûtu l?-'llâh.19 wa 's-sulTânu20 l?-'llâh? 'l-wâH?d? 'l-qahhâr. b?-h? ~aSbaHtu wa b?-h? ~amsaytu wa b?-h? ~aHyà wa b?-h? ~amût. wa ~?lay-h? 'l-ba`thu wa 'n-nushûr. raDîtu b?-llâh? rabb-an wa b?-'l~?slâm? dîn-a. wa b?-muHammad-?n Salâ 'llâhu ta`âlà `alay-h? wa sallama rasûl-an wa nab?yy-a.21 wa b?-'l-ka`bat? q?blat-an wa b?-'S-Salât? farîDat-a. wa b?-'l-qur~ân? ~?mâm-a. wa b?-'S-S?dîq? wa 'l-fârûq? wa dhî 'n-nûrayn? wa 'l-murtaDâ.22 r?Dwânu 'llâhu ta`âlà `alây-h?m.223 ~ajma`îna ~a~?mmah. wa b?-Halâl? 'llah? ta`âlà Halâl-a. wa b?-Harâm? 'llâh? ta`âlà Harâm-a. wa b?-'l-jannat? thawab-an wa b?-'n-nâr? `?qâb-a. marHab-an marHab-an b? 'S-SabâH? 'l-jadîd? wa b?-'l-yawm? 's-sa`îd. wa b?-'l-malakayn? 'l-k?râmayn? 'l-kât?bayn? 'l-`âd?layn? 'l-Hâf?Zayn? 'sh-shâh?dayn. Hayyâ-kumâ 'llâhu ta`âlà. ~uktubâ fî ghurrat? yawm?-nâ hadhâ. fî ~awwal? SaHîfat?-nâ. b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm.24 ~ash/hadu ~an lâ ~?lâha ~?llâ 'llâh. wa ~ashadu ~anna muHammad-an `abdu-hu wa rasûlu-h. `alà hâdh?-h? 'sh-shahâdat? naHyâ. wa `alay-hâ namûtu wa `alay-hâ nub`athu ghad-an ~?n shâ~ 'llâhu ta`âlà.


? have entered the morn?ng, and the K?ngdom (of the creat?on) has entered the morn?ng, for the sake of God. And pra?se belongs to God and grandeur belongs to God, and power belongs to God and magn?f?cence belongs to God, and m?ght belongs to God and majesty belongs to God, and omn?potence belongs to God and author?ty belongs to God, the One, the Dom?nant. By means of H?m ? have entered the morn?ng and by H?m ? have entered the even?ng, and by H?m ? am al?ve and by H?m ? d?e. And to H?m ?s the awaken?ng and the Resurrect?on (of the dead). ? am content w?th God as the Lord and w?th ?slam as the rel?g?on, and w?th Muhammad--may the bless?ngs of God Most H?gh be upon h?m, and peace--as the prophet, and w?th the Ka'ba as the prayer-d?rect?on and w?th r?tual prayer as the obl?gatory duty, and w?th the Qur'an as the leader, and w?th [the Four R?ghtly Gu?ded Cal?phs] (Abu Bakr) S?dîq and (`Umar) Fârûq and (Uthmân) the Owner of the Two L?ghts and (`Alî) Murtazâ as the leaders--may God be pleased w?th them, and w?th (that) perm?tted by God Most H?gh as the lawful and w?th (that) forb?dden by God Most H?gh as the unlawful, and w?th the Garden (of Parad?se) as the reward and w?th the F?re (of Hell) as the pun?shment. Welcome, (be most) welcome to th?s new morn?ng and fortunate day, and to (my two) noble record?ng angels (who are) just, guard?ng, (and) w?tness?ng--may God Most H?gh g?ve you (long) l?fe! Wr?te th?s, (both of you,) on our f?rst page ?n the br?ghtness of our day: ? g?ve w?tness that there ?s no d?v?n?ty except God, and ? g?ve w?tness that Muhammad ?s H?s servant and messenger. By th?s test?mony we l?ve and by ?t we w?ll d?e and by ?t we w?ll awaken Tomorrow, ?f God Most H?gh w?lls ?t.




~a`datu l? kull? hawl-?n: lâ ~?lâha ~?llâ 'llah. wa l?-kull? hamm-?n wa ghamm-?n: mâ shâ~ 'llâh. wa l?-kull? n?`mat-?n: al-Hamdu l?-'llâh. wa l?-kull? rakhâ~?n: ~ash-shukru l?-'llâh. wa l?-kull? ~u`jûbat-?n: subHâna 'llâh. wa l?-kull? dhanb-?n: ~astaghf?ru 'llah. wa l? kull? Dîq-?n: Hasb?ya 'llâh wa l?-kull? muSîbat-?n: ~?nnâ l?-'llâh? wa ~?nnâ ~?lay-h? râj?`ûn. wa l?-kull? qaDâ~?n wa qadar-?n: tawakkaltu `alà 'llâh. wa l?-kull? Tâ`at-?n wa ma`S?yat-?n: lâ Hawla wa lâ quwwata ~?llâ b?-llâh? 'l-`al?yy? 'l-`aZîm.


?n every (s?tuat?on of) fear, ? cons?der: There ?s no d?v?n?ty except God! And ?n every (s?tuat?on of) gr?ef and sorrow: What God has w?lled (must be)! And ?n every (s?tuat?on of) favor and bless?ng: The pra?se ?s to God! And ?n every (s?tuat?on of) comfort and well-be?ng: The thanks ?s to God! And ?n every (s?tuat?on of) amazement and wonder: The glory ?s to God! And ?n every s?n: ? seek the forg?veness of God! And ?n every (s?tuat?on of) lack and ?nsuff?c?ency: God suff?ces me! And ?n every m?sfortune: "Truly, we belong to God and we must return to H?m!' [Qur'an 2:156]. And ?n every (D?v?nely) Decreed and Dest?ned (s?tuat?on): ? trust ?n God! And ?n every (act of) obed?ence and d?sobed?ence: There ?s no power and no strength except ?n God, the Most H?gh, the Most M?ghty!




25b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. huwa 'llâhu 'lladhî lâ ~?lâha ~?llâ hû. `âl?mu 'l-ghayb? wa 'sh-shahâdah. huwa 'r-raHmânu 'r-raHîm.26


(1-5) 'al-mal?ku 'l-qudûsu 's-salâmu 'l-mû~m?nu 'l-muhaym?n.
(6-11) 'al-`azîzu 'l-jabbâru 'l-mutakabb?r. 'al-khâl?qu 'l-bâr?y~u 'l-muSaww?r.
(12-17) 'al-ghaffâru 'l-qahhâr. 'al-wahhâbu 'r-razzâqu 'l-fattâHu 'l-`alîm.
(18-23) 'al-qâb?Du 'l-bâs?T. 'al-khâf?Du 'r-râf?`. 'al-mu`?zzu 'l-muD?ll.
(24-29) 'as-samî`u 'l-baSîr. 'al-Hakamu 'l-`adl. 'al-laTîfu 'l-khabîr.
(30-35) 'al-Halîmu 'l-`aZîmu 'l-ghafûru 'sh-shakûr. 'al-`al?yyu 'l-kabîr.
(36-42) 'al-HafîZu 'l-muqît. 'al-Hasîbu 'l-jalîlu '-jamîl.27 'al-karîmu 'r-raqîb.
(43-49) 'al-mujîbu 'l-wâs?`u 'l-Hakîm. 'al-wadûdu 'l-majîd. 'al-bâ`?thu 'sh-shahîd.
(50-55) 'al-Haqqu 'l-wakîl. 'al-qaw?yyu 'l-matîn. 'al-wal?yyu 'l-Hamîd.
(56-62) 'al-muHSî 'l-mubd?y~u 'l-mu`îd. 'al-muHyî 'l-mumît. 'al-Hayyu 'l-qayyûm.
(63-68) 'al-wâj?du 'l-mâj?d. 'al-wâH?du 'l~aHadu 'l-fardu28 'S-Samad.
(69-72) 'al-qâd?ru 'l-muqtad?r. 'al-muqadd?mu 'l-mu~akkh?r.
(73-80) 'al~awwalu 'l-âkh?ru 'Z-Zâh?ru 'l-bâT?n. 'al-wâlî 'l-mut`âlî. 'al-barru 't-tawwâb.
(81-84) 'al-mun`?mu 'l-muntaq?m. 'al-`afuwwu 'r-ra~ûf.
(85-87) mâl?ku 'l-mulk? dhu 'l-jalâl? wa 'l~?krâm. 'al-muqs?Tu 'l-jâm?`.
(88-95) 'al-ghan?yyu 'l-mughnî 'l-mu`tî.29 'al-mân?`u 'D-Dâru 'n-nâf?`u 'n-nûru 'l-hâdî.
(96-100) 'al-badî`u 'l-bâqî. 'al-wâr?thu 'r-rashîdu 'S-Sabûr.30


? take refuge ?n God from Satan the accursed. ?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. He ?s God, (regard?ng) whom there ?s no d?v?n?ty except H?m, the Knower of the h?dden and the man?fest. He ?s the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. He ?s God, (regard?ng) whom there ?s no d?v?n?ty except H?m, (1) the Absolute K?ng, (2) the Most Holy, (3) the G?ver of Peace, (4) the G?ver of Safety, (5) the Preserver, (6) the Most M?ghty, (7) the Subduer, (8) the Most Great [59:22], (9) the Creator, (10) the Maker, (11) the Fash?oner, (12) the Most Forg?v?ng, (13) the Dom?nant, (14) the Bestower, (15) the Prov?der, (16) the Opener, (17) the Knower, (18) the Restr?cter, (19) the Expander, (20) the Humbler, (21) the Exalter, (22) the Honorer, (23) the Abaser, (24) the All-Hear?ng, (25) the All-See?ng, (26) the Judge, (27) the Just, (28) the Most K?nd, (29) the Most Aware, (30) the Most Forbear?ng, (31) the Greatest, (32) the Forg?v?ng, (33) the Justly Apprec?at?ve, (34) the Most H?gh, (35) the Most Great, (36) the Preserver, (37) the Strengthener, (38) the Reckoner, (39) the Most Majest?c, (40) the Most Beaut?ful, (41) the Most Generous, (42) the Watcher, (43) the Respons?ve, (44) the All-Encompass?ng, (45) the Most W?se, (46) the Most Lov?ng, (47) the Most Glor?ous, (48) the Resurrector, (49) the W?tness, (50) the Truth, (51) the Guard?an, (52) the Most Strong, (53) the Most F?rm, (54) the Protect?ng Fr?end, (55) the Most Pra?seworthy, (56) the One Who Takes Account, (57) the Creator from the Beg?nn?ng, (58) the Restorer, (59) the G?ver of L?fe, (60) The G?ver of Death, (61) the L?v?ng, (62) the Self-Subs?st?ng, (63) the F?nder, (64) the Glor?ous One, (65) the Un?que, (66) the One, (67) the S?ngular, (68) the Eternal, (69) the Powerful, (70) the Most Powerful, (71) the Advancer, (72) the Postponer, (73) the F?rst, (74) the Last, (75) the Outward, (76) the ?nward, (77) the Governor, (78) the Most Exalted, (79) the Source of Goodness, (80) the Turn?ng (?n Forg?veness), (81) the Most Benef?cent, (82) the Avenger, (83) the Pardoner, (84) the All-Compass?onate, (85) the Lord of Dom?n?on [3:26] the Possessor of Majesty and Honor [55:27, 78], (86) the Most Equ?table, (87) the Gatherer, (88) the All-R?ch, (89) the Enr?cher, (90) the Most G?v?ng, (91) the W?thholder, (92) the Creator of Harm, (93) the Creator of Good, (94) the L?ght, (95) the Gu?de, (96) the Or?g?nator, (97) the Everlast?ng, (98) the ?nher?tor, (99) the Jud?c?ous Gu?de, (100) the Most Pat?ent.




~alladhî laysa ka-m?thl?-h? shay~un fî 'l~arD? wa lâ fî 's-samâ~?31 wa huwa 's-samî`u 'l- baSîr. huwa mawlâ-nâ wa ~?lay-h? 'l-maSîr. n?`ma 'l-mawlà wa n?`ma 'n-naSîr. ghufrâna-ka rabba-nâ wa ~?lay-ka 'l-maSîr.


The one regard?ng Whom noth?ng resembles H?m on earth or ?n the heavens, and He ?s All-Hear?ng, All-See?ng [42:11]. He ?s our Protector [9:51], and the journey's arr?val ?s to H?m [5:20], an excellent Protector and an excellent Helper [8:40]. (We seek) Your forg?veness, O our Susta?n?ng Lord, and the journey's arr?val ?s to You [2:285].




lâ ~uHSî thanâ~a `alay-k. ~anta kamâ ~athnayta `alà nafs?-ka jalla wajahu-ka `azza jâru-ka wa jalla thanâ~û-k. wa taqaddasat ~asmâ~û- ka wa S?fâtu-k. wa lâ '?lâha ghayru-k.32 ya`falu 'llâhu mâ yashâ~u b?-qudrat?-h. wa yaHkumu mâ yurîdu b?-`?zzat?-h.


? cannot reckon the pra?ses to You. You are just as You g?ve pra?se to Yourself--Your Face ?s majest?c, Your Protect?on ?s powerful, Your pra?se ?s glor?ous, and may Your Names and Attr?butes be sanct?f?ed! And there ?s no d?v?n?ty bes?des You. God does what He w?lls w?th H?s power, and He judges what He w?lls w?th H?s m?ght.




b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm.33 ~allâhumma b?-Hurmat? hâdh?-h? 's-sâ`at? 'l-marjuwwah. wa b?-Hurmat? hâdh?-h? 'l~asmâ~? 'l-Husnà. wa b?-sharaf?-hâ. wa karâmat?-hâ. wa dâ`î-hâ wa ma`ânî-hâ. ~allâhumma 'j`al-l-î SabâH-an Sâl?H-an maymûn-an mubârak-a. lâ Hâz?y-an wa lâ qâd?H-a.


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. O God, w?th reverence for what ?s hoped for ?n th?s hour, and w?th reverence for these beaut?ful Names (of Yours) and the?r d?gn?ty, generos?ty, summon?ng, and mean?ngs--O God, make for me a benef?c?al, fortunate, and blessed morn?ng; not a troublesome or a blameworthy one!




~allâhumma 'j`al ~awwala yawm?-nâ hâdhâ SalâH-a. wa ~awsaTa-hu falâH-an wa âkh?ra-hu najâH-a.


O God, make the f?rst (part) of th?s day of ours (to be) upr?ght, ?ts m?ddle (part) thr?v?ng, and ?ts last (part) successful!




~allâhumma ~?nna hâdhâ khalq-un jadîd. fa-'ftah/hu `alà b?-Tâ`at?-k. wa 'kht?m-hu-lî b?-maghf?rat?-ka wa r?Dwân?-k. wa 'rzuq-nî fî-h? Hasanat-an tataqabbalu-hâ m?n-nî. wa tuzakk-î-hâ wa tuDa``?fu-hâ.34 wa mâ `am?ltu fî-h? m?n sayy?~at-?n fa-'ghf?r-lî.35 ~?nna-ka ~anta ghafûr-un raHîm. wadûd-un karîm.36


O God, truly th?s (day) ?s a new creat?on. Open ?t w?th obed?ence to You, and seal ?t w?th Your forg?veness and Your approval! And, dur?ng ?t, prov?de me w?th a good deed wh?ch w?ll be accepted from me, wh?ch You w?ll pur?fy and double! And, dur?ng ?t, whatever ? may do of m?sdeeds, then forg?ve me! Truly You are forg?v?ng, compass?onate, lov?ng, and generous!




~allâhumma ~?nn-î ~aSbaHtu lâ ~astaTî`u daf`a mâ ~akra-h. wa lâ ~aml?ku naf`a mâ ~arjû. wa ~aSbaHa 'l~amru b?-yad? ghayr-î. wa ~aSbaHtu murtah?n-an b?-`amal-î. wa lâ faqîra ~afqara m?n-nî.


O God, truly ? have entered the morn?ng, (but) ? am unable to dr?ve away that wh?ch ? detest, and ? cannot take possess?on of someth?ng benef?c?al for wh?ch ? hope--matters that have entered the morn?ng by a Hand other than m?ne. ? have entered the morn?ng pledged to my deeds. And no beggar (of Your mercy) ?s poorer than ?!




~allâhumma lâ tushm?t-bî `aduww-î. wa lâ tasû~bî Sadîq-î. wa lâ taj`al muSîbat-î fî dîn-î. wa lâ taj`al? 'd-dunyâ ~akbara hamm-î. wa lâ mablagha `?lm-î. wa lâ tusall?T `alayya man lâ yarHam-nî.37


O God, do not let my sorrows be pleas?ng to my enemy, and do not let my fr?end be troubled for me! And do not cause me hardsh?p ?n my rel?g?on! And do not let the world be my b?ggest worry, and do let my knowledge be restr?cted (to ?t)! And do not let someone have author?ty over me who ?s not merc?ful to me!




~allâhumma ~?nna-ka ta`lamu s?rr-î. wa `alân?yat-î. fa-'qbal ma`dh?rat-î. wa ta`lamu Hâjat-î fa-'`T?-nî38 sû~l-î. wa ta`lamu mâ fî nafs-î. fa-'ghf?r-lî dhunûb-î. fa~?nna-hu lâ yaghf?ru 'dh-dhunûba ~?llâ ~ant. ~allâhumma ~?nn-î ~as~alu-ka ~îmân-an yubâsh?ru qalb-î. wa yaqîn-an Sâd?q-an Hattà ~a`lamu ~anna-hu lan yuSîba-nî. ~?llâ mâ katabta-hu `alayya.39 fa~arD?-nî b?-mâ qasamta-hu-lî.


O God, truly You know my concealed and open (deeds), so accept my regrets! And You know my needs, so grant my request! And You know whatever ?s ?n my soul, so forg?ve my s?ns and errors! For truly, none can forg?ve s?ns except You. O God, truly ? ask You for a (rel?g?ous) fa?th that br?ngs joyful news to my heart, and a s?ncere fa?th, unt?l ? know that surely noth?ng w?ll happen to me except what He has decreed for me. [[see 9:51]] So make me sat?sf?ed w?th whatever You have alloted to me!




~allâhumma ~?nn-î ~as~alu-ka b?~anna-ka subbûH-un quddûs. yusabb?Hu la-ka sawâdu 'l-layl? wa Daw~u 'n-nahâr. wa shu`â`~u 'sh- shams? wa nûru 'l-qamar. wa daw?yyu 'l-mâ~? wa Hafîfu 'sh-shajar. wa nujûmu 's-samâ~? wa turâbu 'l~arD. wa Sukhûru 'l-j?bâl? wa r?mâlu 'l-q?fâr. wa ~amwâju 'l-b?Hâr? wa dawâbbu 'l-barr? wa 'l-baHr. wa ~as~alu-ka b?~anna-ka Samad-un fard. fî 's-samâ~? `?zzu-ka wa fî 'l~arD? qaDâ~û-k. wa `alà 'l-`arsh? jalâlu-k. wa fî 'l-jannat? raHmatu-k. wa fî jahannama `adhâbu-k. wa 'l-malâ~?kata-hu junûdu- k. yusabb?Hûna-ka wa yuHamm?dûna-ka 'l-layla wa 'n-nahâra lâ yafturûn.


O God, truly ? ask You--s?nce You are glor?ous and holy: the darkness of the n?ght glor?f?es You and the l?ght of the day, and the ray of the sun and the l?ght of the moon, and the t?nkl?ng of the (runn?ng) water and the sound of the (w?nd-shaken) tree, and the stars of the sky and the dust of the earth, and the hard rocks of the mounta?ns and the sands of the deserts, and the waves of the oceans and the (mov?ng) creatures of the land and sea. And ? ask You--s?nce You are Eternal, S?ngular: Your glor?ous m?ght ?s ?n the sky and Your decree ?s on earth, and Your majesty ?s on the Throne, and Your mercy ?s ?n Parad?se and Your pun?shment ?s ?n Hell, and the angels are Your (h?dden) forces--they glor?fy You and they pra?se You n?ght and day, (regard?ng wh?ch) they never become weak. [[21:20]]




lâ ~?lâha ~?llâ ~ant. la-ka 'l-Hamd.40 ~anta 'l-Hannânu 'l-mannân. badî`u 's-samâwât? wa 'l~arD? yâ dhâ 'l-jalâl? wa 'l~?krâm. wa ~as~alu-ka b?~asmâ~?-ka 'l-Husnà. wa âlâ~?-ka 'l-`ulyâ wa burhân?-ka 'l-`aZîm. wa b?-Hujjat?-ka 'l-bâl?ghat? wa b?- kal?mât?-ka 't-tâmmat. ~an taSr?fa `ann-î sharra mâ ~aHDuru41 m?na 'l~adhà. wa sharra mâ ~akhâfu wa ~aHdhar. wa Sallà 'llâhu `alà sayy?d?-nâ muHammad-?n wa âl?-h? wa SaHb?-h? ~ajma`în.


There ?s no d?v?n?ty except You. (All) pra?se ?s Yours. You are Tenderly Merc?ful, Benef?cent, Or?g?nator of the heavens and the earth. O Possessor of Majesty and Honor! And ? ask You by Your beaut?ful Names, and by Your subl?me favors and Your magn?f?cent Proof [[4:174]], and by Your paramount Demonstrat?on, and by Your completed Words (of Revelat?on)--that You avert (any) ev?l from me that has been prepared out of harm and (any) ev?l that ? fear and ?s (about to be) made present! And may the bless?ngs of God be upon our ch?ef leader, Muhammad, and upon h?s fam?ly and all of h?s compan?ons.




~allâhumma rabba 's-samâwât? 's-sab`? wa rabba 'l-`arsh? 'l-`aZîm. rabba-nâ wa rabba kull? shay. munz?la42 't-tawrat? wa 'l~?njîl? wa 'z-zabûr? wa 'l-furqân. fâl?q? 'l-Habb? wa 'n-nawà. ~a`ûdhu b?-ka m?n sharr? kull? dâbbat-?n ~anta âkh?dh-un b?-nâS?yat?-hâ. ~?nna rabb-î `alà S?râT-?n mustaqîm. ~anta 'l~awwalu fa-laysa qabla-ka shay. wa ~anta 'l-âkh?ru fa-laysa ba`da-ka shay. wa ~anta 'Z-Zâh?ru fa-laysa fawqa-ka shay. wa ~anta 'l-bâT?nu fa-laysa dûna-ka shay. ~?qD? `an-nî 'd-dayna wa ~aghn?-nî m?na 'l-faqr.


O God, Susta?n?ng Lord of the seven heavens and Lord of the magn?f?cent Throne, our Lord and Lord of all th?ngs; the one who send down the Torah and the Gospel and the Psalms and the D?st?nct?on [[the Qur'ân]]; the one Who makes gra?n and date stones spl?t and sprout [6:95]! ? take refuge w?th You from the ev?l of every beast for wh?ch You are the se?zer of ?ts forelock! Truly my Susta?n?ng Lord (gu?des) on a stra?ght path! You are the F?rst, s?nce there ?s noth?ng before You; and You are the Last, s?nce there ?s noth?ng after You; and You are the Outward, s?nce there ?s noth?ng above You; and You are the ?nward, s?nce there ?s noth?ng below You. Erad?cate debt from me and free me from poverty!




~allâhumma ~?nn-î ~as~alu-ka qalb-an khâsh?`-a. wa ~as~alu-ka ~îmân- an dâ~?m-a. wa ~as~alu-ka `?lm-an nâf?`-a. wa ~as~alu-ka `amal-an Sâl?H-a. wa ~as~alu-ka yaqîn-an Sâd?q-a. wa ~as~alu-ka dîn-an q?yyâm-a. wa ~as~alu-ka 'l-`âf?yata m?n kull? bal?yyah. wa ~as~alu- ka tamâma 'l-`âf?yat. wa ~asa~lu-ka dawâma 'l-`âf?yah. wa ~as~alu-ka 'sh-shukra `alà 'l-`âf?yah.


O God, truly ? ask You for a heart (that ?s) humble and ? ask You for a fa?th (that ?s) last?ng, and ? ask You for a knowledge (that ?s) benef?c?al and ? ask You for a deed (that ?s) good, and ? ask You for a certa?nty (of fa?th) (that ?s) true and ? ask You for a rel?g?on (that ?s) endur?ng, and ? ask You for secur?ty from every hardsh?p and m?sfortune and ? ask You for complete welfare, and ? ask you for last?ng (good) health and ? ask You for grat?tude for well-be?ng.




allâhumma ~?nn-î ~as~alu-ka 'l-gh?nà. wa 'l-`âf?yata wa 'l- mu`âfât? fî 'd-dunya wa 'l-âkh?rah. allâhumma yâ `âl?ma ~s-s?rr? wa 'l-khaf?yyâh. rafî`a 'd-darajât? dhû 'l-`arsh.43 tulqî 'r-rûHa m?n ~amr?- ka `alà man tashâ~u m?n `?bâd?-k. ghâf?ra 'dh-dhanb? wa qâb?l? 't- tawb. shadîd? 'l-`?qâb?44 dhâ 'T-Tawl. lâ ~?lâha ~?llâ hû. ~?lay-h? 'l-maSîr.45 lâ ~?lâha ~?llâ anta subHâna-ka `?nn-î kuntu m?na 'Z-Zâl?m?n.46


O God, truly ? ask You for prosper?ty and well-be?ng and preservat?on of welfare ?n the world and the Afterl?fe! O God, O Knower of the secret and the concealed! (O) Exalted (above all) ranks, Lord of the Throne, by Your command You send the (Holy) Sp?r?t to whomever You w?ll among Your servants [[40:15]]! (O) Forg?ver of s?n and Acceptor of repentance, F?rm ?n pun?shment, Possessor of last?ng bounty! There ?s no d?v?n?ty except H?m, and the (f?nal) dest?nat?on ?s to H?m [[40:3]]. There ?s no d?v?n?ty except You. Glory be to You! Truly ? was among the unjust ones [21:87].




allâhumma yâ hâd?ya 'l-muD?llîn. wa yâ râH?ma 'l-mudhn?bîn. wa yâ muqîla `atharât? 'l-`âth?rîn. '?rHam `abda-ka dhâ 'l-khaTar? 'l-`aZîm. wa 'l-musl?mîna kulla-hum ~ajma`în. wa 'j`al-nî ma`a 'l~aHyâ~? 'l-marzûqîn. ~alladhîna ~an`amta `alay-h?m m?na 'n-nab?yyîna wa 'S- S?ddîqîna wa 'sh-shuhadâ~?, wa 'S-Sâl?Hîn.


O God, O Gu?de of those (who have) wandered astray! And O Merc?ful to those (who have) s?nned! And O Pardoner of the stumbl?ngs of those (who have) fallen ?nto error. Be merc?ful to Your servant (who ?s) hav?ng great danger (approach?ng)! And (be merc?ful to) all the Musl?ms altogether! And make me (to be) together w?th those (who are eternally) prov?ded for, those upon whom You have g?ven bless?ngs [[1:1]] among the Prophets and the truthful ones, and the martyrs (for the truth) and the doers of good!




~allâhumma yâ ghan?yyu yâ Hamîd. yâ mubd?y~u yâ mu`îd. yâ raHîmu yâ wadûd. ~aghn?-nî b?-Halâl?-ka `an Harâm?-k. wa b?- Tâ`at?-kâ `an ma`S?yat?-k. wa b?-faDl?-ka `an-man s?wâ-k. allâhumma ~ar?-nâ 'l-Haqqa Haqq-an wa 'rzuq-nâ ~?t-t?bâ`a-h.47 wa ~ar?-nâ 'l-bâT?la bâT?l-an wa 'rzjuq-nâ 'jt?nâba-h.


O God, O Most R?ch, O Most Pra?seworthy, O Creator from the beg?nn?ng, O Restorer, O Most Compass?onate, O Most Lov?ng! Enable me to be free from what You forb?d, by (means of) what You allow; and (to stay away) from rebell?on aga?nst You, by (means of) obed?ence to You; and (to stay away) from the one who asserts equal?ty (of other d?v?n?t?es) w?th You, by (means of) Your grace and bounty. O God, show us the ver?ty of a true (th?ng) and g?ve us the prov?s?on of follow?ng ?t! And show us the fals?ty of a false (th?ng) and g?ve us the prov?s?on of shunn?ng ?t!




allâhumma lâ tak?l-nî ~?là nafs-î. wa lâ ~?là ~âhwâ~? nafs-î. wa lâ ~?là ~aHad-?n m?n khalq?-ka Tarfata `ayn-?n wa lâ ~aqalla m?n dhâl?k. kun-lî wal?yy-an wa Hâf?Z-an wa nâS?r-an wa `awn-an wa mu`în-a. allâhumma ~ghf?r-lî wa l?-âbâ~î wa ~umma-hât-î wa ~?khwân-î wa `ashîrat-î. wal?~aqr?bâ~î wa ~aH?bbâ~î. wa ~ustâdh-î wa shayk-î. wa l?-man waSSa nî b?-'d-du`â~? 'l-khayr. wa l?-man `allama-nî Haqqa 'd-du`â. wa l?-man yarjû barakata du`â~î m?na 'l~âHyâ~? wa 'l~amwât. b?-raHmat?-ka yâ subHân yâ sulTân.48 yâ man lam yal?d wa lam yûlad wa lam yakun la-hu kufuw-an ~aHad. b?-raHmat?-ka yâ ~arHama 'r-raH?mîn.


O God, do not entrust me to my (self?sh) ego and not to the crav?ng des?re of my ego, and not to a s?ngle one of Your creatures for the bl?nk of an eye--and not for less than that! Be for me a protector and a ma?nta?ner, and a helper and an a?der and a defender! O God, forg?ve me, and (the ancestors of) my fathers and (the ancestors of) my mothers and my brothers and my k?ndred and (all) my relat?ves, and my favor?te (people) and my teacher and my sp?r?tual gu?de; and for the sake of the one who recommended me to (do) good prayer ?nvocat?ons, and for the sake of the one who taught me the truth of prayer ?nvocat?on, and for the sake of those who hope for the bless?ng of my prayer ?nvocat?on among (both) the l?v?ng and the dead! By Your mercy, O Glor?ous one, O K?ng, O one who does not br?ng forth ch?ldren nor ?s He born from anyone, and there ?s no one comparable to H?m[ 112:3-4]! By Your mercy, O Most Merc?ful of the merc?ful ones [21:83]!




49~allâhumma Sall? wa sall?m`alà sayy?d?-nâ wa nab?y?-nâ wa Habîb?-nâ muHammad-?n fî 'l~awwalîn. wa Sall? wa sall?m `alà sayy?d?-nâ wa nab?y?-nâ wa Habîb?-nâ muHammad-?n fî 'l~âkh?rîn. wa Sall? wa sall?m `alà sayy?d?-nâ wa nab?y?-nâ wa Habîb?-nâ muHammad-?n fî kull? waqt-?n wa Hîn. wa Sall? wa sall?m `alà sayy?d?-nâ wa nab?y?-nâ wa Habîb?-nâ muHammad-?n fî 'l-malâ~? 'l~a`là ~?là yawm? 'd-dîn. wa Sall? wa sall?m `alà sayy?d?-nâ wa nab?y?-nâ wa Habîb?-nâ muHammad-?n wa `alà jamî`? 'l-anb?yâ~? wa 'l-mursalîn. wa `alà malâ~?kat?-ka 'l-muqarrabîn. wa `alà ~ahl? Tâ`at?-ka ~ajma`în. wa `alà `?bâd? 'llâh? wa 'S-Sâl?Hîn m?n ahl? 's-samâwât? wa ~ahl? 'l-araDîn. wa raD?ya 'llâhu `an ~aS/Hâb? rasûl? 'llâh? ~ajma`în.50


O God, send bless?ngs and peace upon our Ch?ef Leader of the f?rst ones, and our Prophet and our Beloved one (of God), Muhammad. And send bless?ngs and peace upon our Ch?ef Leader of the last ones [up to the Resurrect?on], and our Prophet and our Beloved one (of God), Muhammad. And send bless?ngs and peace upon our Ch?ef Leader ?n every t?me and epoch, and our Prophet and our Beloved one (of God), Muhammad. And send bless?ngs and peace upon our Ch?ef Leader ?n the most exalted rank [before God] unt?l the Day of Judgment, and our Prophet and our Beloved one (of God), Muhammad. And send bless?ngs and peace upon our Ch?ef Leader and our Prophet and our Beloved one (of God), Muhammad; and upon all the prophets and messengers; and upon Your nearest angels; and upon all Your obed?ent followers among those [?nv?s?ble ones] of the heavens and those of the lands! And may God Most H?gh be pleased regard?ng all the compan?ons of the Messenger.




~allâhumma ~anta rabb-î. lâ ~?lâha ~?llâ ~anta khalaqta-nî. wa ~anâ `abd?-ka51 wa ~anâ `alà `ahd?-ka wa wa`d?-ka mâ 'staTa`tu. ~a`ûdhu b?-ka m?n sharr? mâ Sana`tu.52 ~abû~u la-ka b?-n?`mat?-ka `alayya wa ~abû~u b?-dhanb-î. fa-'ghf?r-lî dhunûb-î.53 fa~?nna-hu lâ yaghf?ru 'dh-dhunûba ~?llâ ~ant. yâ ~arHama 'r-raH?mîn.54 jalla rabb-î wa qadar. `azza rabb-î wa qahar. wa 'llâhu ghafûr- un l?-man Sabar. wa la-dh?kru 'llâh? ~akbar. n?`ma 'l-Hâf?Zu 'llâh. n?`ma 'l-qâd?ru 'llâh. fa-qadar-nâ fa-n?`ma 'l-qâd?rûn.55


O God, You are my Susta?n?ng Lord, there ?s no d?v?n?ty except You, You created me, and ? am Your servant. And ? am (comm?tted) to the obl?gat?on to You and the prom?se to You as much as ? am able. ? take refuge w?th You from the ev?l that ? have done! ? turn to You for Your benef?cence toward me and ? turn (?n repentance) for my s?ns Forg?ve me, for truly no one can forg?ve s?ns except You! My Susta?n?ng Lord ?s glor?f?ed and powerful; my Lord ?s powerful and dom?nant. And God ?s Most Forg?v?ng to the one (who ?s) pat?ent. And surely remembrance of God ?s the greatest [help] [29:45]. How excellent a preserver God ?s! How excellent a determ?ner God ?s: "Then We determ?ned, for (We are) the Best of determ?ners and arrangers" [77:23].




~allâhumma ~?nn-î ~aûdhu b?-ka m?na 'l-Hawr? ba`da 'l-kawr.56


O God, truly ? take refuge w?th You from decrease after ?ncrease and abundance.




~allâhumma ~?nn-î ~a`ûdhu b?-ka m?n ~an ~ashr?ka b?-ka shay~an wa ~anâ ~a`lam. wa 'staghf?ru-ka l?-mâ lâ ~a`lam. ~?nna-ka ~anta `allâmu 'l-ghuyûb.57 ~astaghf?ru 'llâha 'l-`aZîm.58


O God, truly ? take refuge w?th You from (the case) that ? have assoc?ated anyth?ng w?th You and ? knew (?t). And ? seek Your forg?veness for whatever (? have assoc?ated and) ? d?d not know. ? seek the forg?veness of God Most Great!




~astaghf?ru 'llâha m?n kull? dhanb-?n ~adhnabta-hu `amd-an ~aw khaTâ~an ~aw s?rr-an ~aw `alân?yah. wa ~atûbu ~?lay-h? m?na 'dh- dhanb? 'lladhî ~a`lam. wa m?na 'dh-dhanb? 'lladhî lâ ~a`lam.59


? seek the forg?veness of God from every s?n that ? have comm?tted, ?ntent?onally or m?stakenly, secretly or openly. And ? turn to H?m (?n repentance) from s?ns (about) wh?ch ? knew and from s?ns (about) wh?ch ? d?d not know. (Seven t?mes)




lâ Hawla wa lâ quwwata ~?llâ b?-'llâh? 'l-`al?yy? 'l-`aZîm. wa mâ tawfîq-î ~?llâ b? 'llâh? `alay-h? tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbu 'l-`arsh? 'l-`aZîm.60 mâ shâ~a 'llâhu kâna wa mâ lam yashâ~u lam yakun.61 ~ash/Hâdu ~anna62 'llâha `alà kulll? shay~?n qâdîr. wa ~anna 'llâha qad ~aHâTa b?-kull? shay~?n `?lm-a. fa-'llâhu khayr-un Hâf?Z-an wa huwa ~arHamu 'r-râH?mîn. wa 'l-Hamdu l?-'llâh? rabb? 'l-`âl?mîn.63


There ?s no power and no strength except w?th God [18:39], the Most H?gh, the Most M?ghty. And there ?s no success for me except w?th (the help of) God [11:88]. ? rely upon H?m (alone), and He ?s Lord of the M?ghty Throne [9:129]. Whatever God w?lled has occurred, and whatever He does not w?ll cannot occur [9:51]. ? know that truly God has power over all th?ngs [67:2]. And God certa?nly encompasses all th?ngs ?n (H?s) Knowledge [65:12]. But God ?s the Best Guard?an, and He ?s the Most Merc?ful of the merc?ful ones [12:64]. And the pra?se ?s to God, the Susta?n?ng Lord of (the be?ngs of all) the worlds [1:1].


The end of the Awrâd-? Sharîf [Evrâd-? Sher?f tamamland?] [tammat]






65~allâhumma 'j`al lî nûr-an fî qalb-î. wa nûr-an fî qabr-î. wa nûr-an bayna yadayya wa nûr-an m?n khalf-î. wa nûr-an `an yamîn-î. wa nûr-an `an sh?mâl-î. wa nûr-an m?n fawq-î. wa nûr-an m?n taHt-î. wa nûr-an fî sam`-î. wa nûr-an fî baSar-î. wa nûr-an fî sha`r-î. wa nûr-an fî bashar-î. wa nûr-an fî laHm-î. wa nûr-an fî dam-î. wa nûr-an fî `?Zâm-î. ~allâhumma ~a`Z?m-lî nûr-a. wa 'j`al-nî nûr-a. ~allâhumma 'j`al fî qalb-î nûr-a. wa fî l?sân-î nûr-a. wa fî baSar-î nûr-a. wa fî sam`-î nûr-a. wa `an yamîn-î nûr-a. wa `an yasâr-î nûr-a. wa m?n fawq-î nûr-a. wa m?n taHt-î nûr-a. wa m?n ~amâm-î nûr-a. wa m?n khalf-î nûr-a. wa 'j`al lî fî nafs-î nûr-a. wa '`Z?m- lî nûr-a.


O God, make for me a l?ght ?n my heart and a l?ght ?n my grave, and a l?ght ?n front of me and a l?ght beh?nd me, and a l?ght (com?ng) from my r?ght s?de and a l?ght (com?ng) from my left s?de, and a l?ght (com?ng) from above me and a l?ght (com?ng) from below me, and a l?ght ?n my hear?ng and a l?ght ?n my see?ng, and a l?ght ?n my ha?r and a l?ght ?n my sk?n's surface, and a l?ght ?n my flesh and a l?ght ?n my blood, and a l?ght ?n my bones! O God, ?ncrease my l?ght and make me a l?ght! O God, make a l?ght ?n my heart and a l?ght ?n my tongue, and a l?ght ?n my see?ng and a l?ght ?n my hear?ng, and a l?ght (com?ng) from my r?ght s?de and a l?ght (com?ng) from my left s?de, and a l?ght (com?ng) from above me and a l?ght (com?ng) from below me, and a l?ght ?n front of me and a l?ght beh?nd me! And make for me a l?ght ?n myself and ?ncrease my l?ght!





~allâhumma 'rHam wa taHannan `alà sayy?d-î wa sanad-î wa mu`tamad-î. wa makân? 'r-rûH? m?n jasad-î. wa dhakhîrat? yawm-î wa ghad-î mawlâ-nâ muHammad. jalâl? 'l-Haqq? wa 'd-dîn. matta`a-nâ 'llâhu b?-s?rr?-h? 'l-mubîn. wa `alà âbâ~?-h? wa ~umma- hât?-h? wa ~ajdâd?-h? wa ~awlâd?-h? wa khulafâ~?-h? wa fuqarâ~?-h? wa ~aH?bâ~?-h? ~?là yawm? 'l-Hashr? wa 'l-qarâr. b?-raHmat?-ka yâ ~arHama 'r-raH?mîn. wa 'l-Hamdu l?-'llâh? rabb? 'l-`âlamîn.


O God, be merc?ful and k?nd toward my ch?ef and my rel?ance, and my sp?r?tual gu?de and the place of the sp?r?t ?n my body, and the prov?s?on of my today and tomorrow, and Our Master [[Mawlânâ]]--the Glory [[Jalâl]] of the Truth [[ul-Haqq]] and the Rel?g?on [[ud-Dîn]], and upon h?s fathers and h?s ancestors, and h?s mothers and h?s ch?ldren, and h?s successors and h?s followers unt?l the Day of Resurrect?on--by Your mercy, O Most Merc?ful of the merc?ful ones [21:83]. And the pra?se ?s to God, the Susta?n?ng Lord of (the be?ngs of all) the worlds.




66(al-fât?Ha) rûHu pâk-? HaDrât-? muHammad muSTafà-râ Salawât: ~allâhumma Sall? wa sall?m `alà sayy?d?-nâ wa sanad?-nâ wa mawlâ-nâ muHammad-?n wa `alà ~al?-h? wa SaHb?-h? wa ~ahl? bayt?-h? ~ajma`îna 'T-Tayy?bîna 'T-Tâh?rîn. ~?sm-? pâk-? HaDrât-? muHammad muSTafà-râ Salawât: ~allâhumma Sall? wa sall?m `alà sayy?d?-nâ wa sanad?-nâ wa mawlâ-nâ muHammad-?n wa `alà ~al?-h? wa SaHb?-h? wa ~ahl? bayt?-h? 'ajma`îna 'T-Tayy?bîna 'T-Tâh?rîn. j?sm-? pâk-? HaDrât-? muHammad-?n muSTafà-râ Salawât:~allâhumma Sall? wa sall?m `alà sayy?d?-nâ wa sanad?-nâ wa mawlâ-nâ muHammad-?n wa `alà ~al?-h? wa SaHb?-h? wa ~ahl? bayt?-h? ~ajma`îna 'T-Tayy?bîna 'T-Tâh?rîn. `aZamatu 'llâh?-râ takbîr-a. ~allâhu ~akbar. ~allâhu ~akbar. lâ ~?lâha ~?llâ 'llâh. wa 'llâhu ~akbaru 'llâhu ~akbaru wa l?-'llâh? 'l-Hamd. ~aS-Sallâtu wa 's-salâmu `alay-ka yâ rasûla 'llâh. ~aS-Sallâtu wa 's-salâmu `alay-ka yâ Habîba 'llâh. ~aS-Sallâtu wa 's-salâmu `alay-ka yâ nab?yya 'llâh. ~aS-Sallâtu wa 's-salâmu `alay-ka yâ sayy?da 'l~awwalîna wa 'l~âkh?rîn. wa Salâtu 'llâh? wa salâmu-hu `alà 'l~anb?yâ~? wa 'l-mursalîn. wa 'l-Hamdu l?-'llâh? rabb? 'l-`âlamîn.


Prayers for the pure sp?r?t of venerable Muhammad Mustafa: O God, send bless?ngs and peace upon our ch?ef leader and our rel?ance and our master Muhammad, and upon all the pure and ?mmaculate ones of h?s fam?ly and h?s compan?ons and the people of h?s household!
Prayers for the pure name of venerable Muhammad Mustafa: O God, send bless?ngs and peace upon our ch?ef leader and our rel?ance and our master Muhammad, and upon all the pure and ?mmaculate ones of h?s fam?ly and h?s compan?ons and the people of h?s household!
Prayers for the pure body of venerable Muhammad Mustafa: O God, send bless?ngs and peace upon our ch?ef leader and our rel?ance and our master Muhammad, and upon all the pure and ?mmaculate ones of h?s fam?ly and h?s compan?ons and the people of h?s household!
A magn?f?cat?on for the grandeur of God: God ?s Most Great, God ?s Most Great! There ?s no d?v?n?ty except God! And God ?s Most Great, God ?s Most Great! And (all) the pra?se ?s to God!
(May) the bless?ngs and peace (of God) be upon you, O Messenger of God. (May) the bless?ngs and peace (of God) be upon you, O Beloved one of God. (May) the bless?ngs and peace (of God) be upon you, O Prophet of God. (May) the bless?ngs and peace (of God) be upon you, O Ch?ef Leader of the f?rst ones and the last ones ([up to the Resurrect?on]. And (may) the bless?ngs of God and H?s peace be upon (all) the prophets and the messengers (of God). And the pra?se ?s to God, the Susta?n?ng Lord of (the be?ngs of all) the worlds.




Vakt-? sherîf hayrola. Hay?rlar fethola. Sherler defola. Allâh Azîmu'shshân ?sm-? zât?n?n nûru ?le kalpler?m?z? pür nûr ve münevver eyleye. Ve n?yâz?m?z dergâh-? ?zzette kabûl ve makbûl ola. Demler, safâlar muzdâd67 ve kulûb-? âsh?kân küshâde bâd. Dem-? Hazret-? Mevlânâ68, s?rr-? Shems, kerem-? ?mâm Alî [ve atâ-y?69 Muhammed?'n-?n neb?yy?'l-ümm?yy?, rahmete'n-l?'l-âlemîn. Hû d?yel?m]: "Hû!"


May th?s noble occas?on be favorable and blessed! May good th?ngs be d?sclosed! May ev?ls be (kept) d?stant! May the Lord of Glor?ous Rank cause our hearts to be full of l?ght and rad?ance by the L?ght of H?s Essence! May our needy suppl?cat?ons be accepted and approved ?n the Court of (D?v?ne) Majesty! May (our) moments (of bless?ng) (and our sp?r?tual) joys be ?ncreased! And may the hearts of the lovers (of God) be opened (w?de)! (For the sake of) the (blessed) words of our Venerable Master, the secret of Shams, the nob?l?ty of ?mâm `Al?, and the favor of Muhammad the unlettered Prophet (and) mercy to (the be?ngs of) the worlds [21:107], let us say: "Hû!"70








1FAKH: "wa lâ râda l?-mâ qaDayta wa lâ hâd?ya l?-man aDlalta wa lâ muD?lla l?-man? 'hdayta"

2On the CD, Hüsey?n Erek does not read "wa lâ râda l?-mâ qaDayta"

3MUST beg?ns: "(qâla fî kull? yawm? sab` marrât)" [= "He sa?d (th?s) seven t?mes dur?ng every day"]

4FAHK: "yushgh?lu-hu"; MUST: "yashghalu-hu"; M.SHAMS: "yashgh?lu-hu"

5FAKH adds "wa"

6FAKH: "fa-'nSur"--error

7FAKH has "l?yandh?ra"--error

8M.SHAMS adds "(tuqrâ~ thalatha marât-?n)" ["Rec?te three t?mes"]; on the CD, Hüsey?n Erek adds "allâhu akbar"

9On the CD, Hüsey?n Erek adds "allâhu akbar"

10Here, EM and M.SHAMS have Sûrahs 96 and 97

12On the CD, Hüsey?n Erek adds "allâhu akbar"

13Here, EM has Sûrahs 100-107

14M.SHAMS: "(tuqra~a thalâtha marrât)" ["Rec?te three t?mes"]

15M.SHAMS: "(tuqra~a thalâtha marrât)" ["Rec?te three t?mes"]

16M.SHAMS: "(tuqra~a thalâtha marrât)" ["Rec?te three t?mes"]

17FAKH: "wa ~?lay-h? 'n-nushûr" & MUST: "wa ~?lay-h? 'l-ba`thu 'n-nushûr"

18FAKH: "satara `alà `awrat-î"

19FAKH: "wa ~aSbaHa 'l-mulku l?-'llâh? wa 'l-Hamdu l?-'llâh? wa 'l-`aZamatu l?-'llâh? wa 'l-k?br?yâ~u l?-'llâh? wa 'l-qudratu l?-'llâh? wa 'l-jabarûtu l?-'llâh?" MUST: "wa ~aSbaHa 'l-mulku l?-'llâh? wa 'l-k?br?yâ~u l?-'llâh? wa 'l-`?zzatu l?-'llâh? wa 'l-jalâlu l?-'llâh? wa 'l-jabarûtu l?-'llâh?"

20FAKH: "wa 'sulTânu"—error

21FAKH AND M.SHAMS om?t "rasûl-an wa"

22here Husey?n Erek adds ?n the CD record?ng, "wa 'l-Hasan? wa 'l-Husayn?"

23FAKH & MUST: "r?Dwânu 'llâh?"

24FAKH & M.SHAMS om?t: "b?-sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm". MUST states that, "Some manuscr?pts are w?th the basmalah and some w?thout the basmalah"

25FAKH adds: "~a`ûdhu b?-llâh? m?na 'shayTân? 'r-rajîm"

26FAKH adds: "huwa 'llâhu 'lladhî lâ ~?lâha ~?llâ hû"

27FAKH om?ts "'l-jamîlu"

28FAKH om?ts "'l-fardu"

29FAKH om?ts "'l-mu`Tî"

30EM has 100 names (count?ng "mâl?k? 'l-mulk? dhû 'l-jalâl? wa 'l~?krâm" as one name), FAKH has 98 names, MUST has 101, and M.SHAMS 100. All add "al-mun`?m" to the trad?t?onal l?st (?n SaHîhu 'l-Bukhârî") that ?ncludes "ar-raHmân" and "ar-raHîm", plus 97 others (but not ?nclud?ng "al-jamîl", "al-wâH?d", "al-fard", and "al-mu`n?m"). M.SHAMS om?ts "al-mu`Tî", a trad?t?onal name.

31FAKH om?ts "fî 'l~arD? wa lâ fî 's-samâ~?"

32FAKH om?ts "wa lâ ~?lâha ghayru-k"

33FAKH om?ts "b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm". M.SHAMS starts a new sect?on w?th "du`â~. b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm"

34FAKH: "tuDa``?fu-hâ-lî"

35FAKH: "fa-'ghf?r-hâ-lî"

36On the CD, Hüsey?n Erek says "al-wadûd-un karîm"

37FAKH: "yarHamu-nî

38FAKH: "fa~a`T?n-î"

39FAKH: mâ katabta-hu-lî"

40FAKH: "wa ~asa~lu-ka b?~anna la-ka 'l-Hamdu. lâ ~?lâha ~?llâ anta"

41FAKH: "mâ ~uHD?ra"

42FAKH: "munz?lu"

43FAKH: "dhâ 'l-`arsh?"

44FAKH: "shadîda 'l-`?qâb?"

45FAKH: "lâ ~?lâha ~?llâ ~anta ~?lay-ka 'l-maSîr"

46FAKH om?ts "lâ ~?lâha ~?llâ ~anta subHânâ-ka ~?nn-î kuntu m?na 'Z-Zâl?mîn"

47FAKH: "wa 'rzuq-nâ 't-t?bâ`a-hu"

48FAKH: yâ subHânu yâ sulTânu"

49EM has (?n Pers?an): ("Sad bâr begû-îd") [= "Rec?te 100 t?mes"]; M.SHAMS adds "(tuqrâ~a mây~ata marrât)" [= "Rec?te 100 t?mes"]

50FAKH: "~allâhumma Sall? `alà sayy?d?-nâ wa nab?y?-nâ wa Habîb?-nâ muHammad. b?-`adad? kull? ma`lûm-?n la-ka wa âl?-h? wa SaHb?-h? wa sall?m. (mâ~ata marrât) ~allâhumma Sall? `alà sayy?d?-nâ wa mawlânâ muHammad. sayy?d? 'l~awwalîna wa 'l-âkh?rîn. ~allâhumma Sall? `alà sayy?d?-nâ wa mawlânâ muHammad. fî kull? waqt-?n wa Hîn. ~allâhumma Sall? `alà sayy?d?-nâ wa mawlânâ muHammad. fî 'l-malâ~? 'l~a`là ~?là yawm? 'd-dîn. ~allâhumma Sall? `alà sayy?d?-nâ wa mawlânâ muHammad. Hattà tar?tha 'l~arDa wa man `alay-hâ wa ~anta khayru 'l-wâr?thîn. wa Sall? wa sall?m `alay-h? wa `alà jamî`? 'l-anb?yâ~? wa 'l-mursalîn. wa `alà malâ~?kat?-ka 'l-muqarrabîn. wa `alà ~ahl? Tâ`at?-ka ~ajma`în. m?n ahl? 's-samâwât? wal ahl? 'l-araDîn. wa raD?ya 'llâhu ta`âlà `an ~aS/Hâb? rasûl? 'llâh?, ~ajma`în."

51FAKH: "wa ~anâ `abdu-ka"

52EM: "mâ Sana`ta"—error

53FAKH: "fa-'ghf?r-lî"

54FAKH om?ts "ya ~arHama 'r-râH?mîn"

55FAKH adds "(thalathata marrât)" [= "Three t?mes"]

56FAKH adds "(thalathata marrât)" [= "Three t?mes"]

57FAKH adds "(thalathata marrât)" [= "Three t?mes"]

58FAKH adds "(saba`îna marrât)" [= "Seventy t?mes"]; M.SHAMS: "tuqrâ~ thâlatha marrât" [= "Rec?te three t?mes"]

59FAKH adds "(saba` marrât)" [= "Seven t?mes"]

60FAKH: om?ts "wa mâ tawfîq-î ~?llâ b? 'llâh? `alay-h? tawakkalta wa huwa rabbu 'l-`arsh? 'l-`aZîm"; M.SHAMS adds "(tuqrâ~ thâlatha marrât)" "Rec?te three t?mes"]

61FAKH adds "(thalathata marrât)" [= "Three t?mes"]

62FAKH: "~a`lamu anna"

63MUST ends the Awrâd-? Sharîf here: "(tammat)".

64On the CD, Hüsey?n Erek rec?tes a Turk?sh gülbank here: "Vakt-? sherîf hayrola. Hay?rlar fethola. Sherler defola. N?yâz?m?z dergâh-? ?zzette makbûl ola. Allâh Az?ymüshshân ?sm-? zât?n?n nûru ?le kâlpler?m?z? pür nûr ve mutahher k?la. Kulûb-? âsh?kân küshâde ola. Demler, safâlar z?yâde ola. Dem-? Hazret-? Mevlânâ, s?rr-? Shems ü Veled, Nûr-? Muhammedî, keram-? Hazret-? ?mâm-? Alî, ve shefâat-? Muhammed?n?n neb?yy?l ümm?yy, Rahmeten l?l âlemîn, Huu d?yel?m: Huuuuuu..."

65FAKH: "~allâhumma 'rHam wa taHannan" precedes "~allâhumma 'j`al lî nûr-an fî qalb-î"; M.SHAMS precedes "~allâhumma 'j`al lî nûr-an fî qalb-î" w?th, "hakâdhâ ~akhraja 't-t?rm?dh?yyu wa 'l-bayhaqî `an ~?bn? `abbâs-?n raD?ya 'llâhu `an-humâ" [= "Th?s (Hadîth prayer) ?s der?ved from (the collect?ons of) al-T?rm?dh? and al-Bayhaq?, from (the Prophet's compan?on) ?bn `Abbas, may God be pleased w?th them"]

66EM and M.SHAMS end w?th "al-fât?Ha" followed by an Arabo-Pers?an prayer: "rûHu bâk" [= rûHu pâk]

67EM: the transl?terat?on has "mezdâd"--error

68EM: the transl?terat?on has "ash?kân-küshâd bâd-? dem Hazret-? Mevlâna, s?rr-? Shems-? Kerem, ?mam Al?"--error

69EM: the transl?terat?on has "ât-?" [= "`aTâ-y?"]--error

70Here ?s the same prayer ?n Pers?an, the or?g?nal language of the Mevlev? golbâng: "waqt-? sharîf khayr bâd. khayr-hâ maftûH bâd. sharr-hâ ba-dûr bâd. khodâwand-? `aZîmu 'sh-sha'n ba-nûr-? ?sm-? Zât-? khwîsh qalb-hây-? mâ-râ por-? nûr wa munawwar gardânâd. dar dargâh-? `?zzat neyâz-? mâ-râ qabûl wa maqbûl bâd. dam-hâ, Safâ-hâ z?yâda bâd. wa qulûb-? `âsh?q-ân goshâda bâd. dam-? HaZrat-? mawlânâ, s?rr-? shams, karam-? ?mâm `alî, wa `aTâ-y? muHammad-?n nabîy? 'l-`ummîy--raHmat-?n l?-'l-`âlamîn--hû be-gôy-êm: hûûûûûû!"

71FAKH ends w?th a perm?t [?jâzat] to rec?te the Mevlev? Awrâd wr?tten to M?dHat Bahârî Beytur by Shaykh Hüsey?n Fakhruddîn ?n Pers?an. At the end there ?s a stamped seal: "Husayn Fakhrî al-Mawlawî"
b?-'sm? 'llâh? 'r-raHmân? 'r-raHîm. al-Hamdu l?-'llâh? Haqq? Hamd?-h?. wa 'S-Salâtu wa 's-salâmu `alà muHammad-?n wa âl?-h?. wa ba`d: în awrâd-? sharîf al-mansûb ?là quTbu 'l-`âsh?qîn, ghawthu 'l- wâS?lîn, SâH?bu 'T-Tarîqah, ma`danu 'l-Haqîqah, wâr?thu kullu 'l- mursalîn, makhzanu ~asrâru rabbu 'l-`âlamîn, mawlânâ wa mawlà~u 'l-`âr?fîn, janâb-? jalâlu 'l-Haqq wa 'l-m?llat wa 'd-dîn, `aZama 'llâhu dh?kru-hu, wa qaddasa 'llâhu s?rra-hu. tâ az HaZrat-? mushâr ~?lay-h? bâ sânîdu 'S-SaHîHa ba-d-în faqîru 'l-Haqîr-râ rasîda, wa nîz az muntas?b-ân-? pîr-? dastgîr darwîsh aHmad m?dHat al-mawlawî-râ rukhSat dâd-am ba-sharT-? ân-ke pas az adây-? farîZatu 'l-fajr wa sunnatu san?yyatu 'sh-sharîfa, b?-'l~?khlâS wa 'l-khushû`? madâwamat nomây-ad. wa joz az raZây-? bârî hîch kâmî na-khwân-ad. wa b?-lâ `uzr-? sharî` tark na-kon-ad. zî-râ tark-? awrâd barây-? naw-neyâz-ân-? Tarîq, mûj?b-? borîdan-? mâ~ al-Hayât-? fuyûZ-? rabbânî-st. "wa 'llâhu yahdî man yashâ~u ?là S?râT-?n mustaqîm". wa anâ faqîru 'l-Haqîr shaykh-? mawlawî-kâna-ye bahâr?ya Husayn fakhrî al-mawlawî, ?bn? Hasan laTîf al-mawlawî, ?bn? Halîl--ghafara la-hum.


?n the name of God, the Most Merc?ful, the Most Compass?onate. The pra?se ?s to God as H?s pra?se ?s r?ghtfully deserved. And may the bless?ngs and peace (of God) be upon Muhammad and h?s fam?ly. Now to beg?n: These Noble L?tan?es [[Awrâd-? Sharîf]] are attr?buted to the Polestar of Love, the Helper of those who have reached (the goal), the Master of the (suf?) path, the M?ne of truth, the ?nher?tor of all the Messengers, the Treasury of the secrets of the Susta?n?ng Lord of the worlds, our Master and the Master of the (myst?c) knowers, the Vest?bule of the Glory of God and (of) the creed and the rel?g?on--may God magn?fy h?s (name's) ment?on and remembrance; unt?l ?t arr?ved to th?s poor and ?ns?gn?f?cant one from the above ment?oned holy person together w?th (a transm?ss?on of) sound support. And by means of those connected w?th the Master and Patron (of the Path), ? have also g?ven perm?ss?on to Derv?sh Ahmad M?dhat al-Mawlaw?, w?th the cond?t?on that, after the performance of the pre-dawn obl?gat?ons (of r?tual prayers) and the lofty trad?t?on (of ?nvocat?ons), he should do ?t cont?nuously w?th s?ncer?ty and hum?l?ty. And that he should not rec?te ?t for any a?m other than the sat?sfact?on of the Creator. And that he should not forsake ?t w?thout (hav?ng) an excuse (perm?tted) by the rel?g?ous law. Because, for nov?ces of the Path, to forsake these L?tan?es ?s the cause of cutt?ng off the Water of L?fe of D?v?ne bless?ngs. "And God gu?des whom He w?lls to the stra?ght path" [24:46]. And ? am the poor and ?ns?gn?f?cant Shaykh of the Mawlaw? House of Bahar?ya, Husayn Fakhr? al-Mawlaw?, the son of Hasan Lat?f al-Mawlaw?, the son of Hal?l--may (God) forg?ve them.



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